Interpretive Movement
I absolutely love interpretive movement and sign art. I first became interested in this in 7th grade when we had the privilege of going into the classroom with the special education students to interact with them. I have such fond memories of socializing with them. They were just regular children that wanted to laugh, play, and have fun just like the rest of us. We did just that, too!
I did not realize it at the time, but the teachers were using this opportunity to have us interact with the students in this way not only as a way to play with them and have fun but as an educational tool, too! We learned sign language and could “talk” with the deaf students. We played “Go Fish” and had lots of laughter with the group, but we did not fully realize the opportunity we were being given to learn and explore a different language all of its own – sign language! Back then it was more fun and games than anything, but it left a lasting impression on me so much so that years later not only did I join an interpretive movement and sign art group at church but I later became the director of this group.
Some people absolutely love watching interpretive movement while others still do not understand it or see the purpose for it. To me, it is a different way of worshiping the Lord. I love to praise and worship with song, just singing my heart out to God. However, I also love the silent praises to the King of kings and Lord of lords through interpretive movement. I can actually close my eyes and get lost in the words of the song as I sign them and allow my entire body to praise God through these movements. It is a very unique way of expressing yourself and the ultimate way to praise God in my book.
I was so shy initially when I first started with the interpretive movement team, but you just have to push that aside and know that you’re up there ministering in song giving your all to God with each move that you make. It’s not and never has been about us. It is about Jesus!
You can take the moves and make them as big or as little as you’d like. I usually start out with small movements, but the more the song progresses, the bigger the movements get. I can hardly contain myself and the worship and praise just starts flowing.
My youngest daughter blessed my heart so much recently when she came home from school talking about Helen Keller. She started doing sign language that her teacher had just begun to show the class. My heart leaped with joy and excitement as my daughter now shared the same love for sign language as I did at an early age as well!! My daughter continued with the signing, even performing in the Christmas program at school by signing to several songs. Oh yes, she blessed my heart completely seeing her up there on stage.
I have just recently gotten back into the interpretive movement and have been asked to put together a song for Easter. I have been pouring myself over a few songs trying to find the perfect one for such an occasion. I will pray about it and see where God is leading me and which one He would like for me to do for this very special occasion.
I just know that it feels so good to be worshiping and praising God in this way with interpretive movement and sign art. What a gift from God … and I intend to use the gifts He has given me for His Honor and Glory!
Here is a youtube video when my oldest daughter and I were in an interpretive movement group called “Speechless” a few years ago. It is a drama to Not Guilty by Mandisa.
January 27, 2014 @ 7:57 am
Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
Have a nice day!
January 28, 2014 @ 3:05 pm
Thank you so much for stopping by, Veronica!