Everyone’s journey is unique and different. No two people will travel the same path in life or encounter the same things. While there may be similarities, your journey will be set apart from others.
I see you there comparing your life to those around you. Stop! This only ensures that you live anything but happily ever after.
There will always be someone who seems to have more than you. Others will seem to have just what you wish you had in life, too. Then there’s always those who seem to have it so easy while you’re struggling. Making comparisons and turning green with envy will not change your outcome or your journey. You will only become bitter and full of regret.
Learn to love where you are and how far you have come in life. Enjoy this journey that is specific to only you.
I realize we are only human after all. When it looks like someone is getting further ahead than you are, the green eyed monster rears his ugly little head. Don’t stay there, though. Instead, forge ahead and think of all the many blessings you have in your life.
I’ve noticed a lot of people have started with the 30 Days of Thankfulness associated with the month of November. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, people are more focused on their blessings rather than their trials at this time. What if we all shifted our focus the other 11 months of the year? Think of the difference this would make as you journey through life.
Shift your focus – and enjoy the ride!
November 4, 2016 @ 4:00 pm
You have such an encouraging heart for helping others to enjoy and be thankful. Grateful for the reminder, Shirley. Visiting from Five Minute Friday in the spot after you. Have a lovely weekend!
November 9, 2016 @ 1:45 pm
Thank you very much, Christina.
November 4, 2016 @ 6:23 pm
Great post! It is so easy to compare our journeys to others’ and think that theirs look better or easier, but the truth is we have no idea what is really going on or where the different paths will lead. It’s important to seek God’s plan for us, even if it is different from other people’s. Visiting from FMF.
November 9, 2016 @ 1:45 pm
November 5, 2016 @ 4:42 pm
I agree completely! We are much too prone to comparing ourselves with others instead of being content with the journey God has laid out for us. Joining you from FMF #78.
November 9, 2016 @ 1:46 pm
If we’d all change our focus and be content right where we are, imagine how life changing that would be!