Lesson Learned
I was reminded yet again of a lesson I learned the hard way. Sadly, my daughter has learned this lesson early on in her life as well. What I have learned is you can try to do everything just right and please everyone, but it is impossible. No matter how hard you try, someone is going to have a disapproving remark or look down their nose at you. There are some people that no matter how hard you try, nothing will ever be good enough for them. Sad, but true.
Just recently my husband and I attempted to join a group, yet early on, I sensed that I was dealing with someone that just was not going to be happy with me no matter what I did. I realize that not everyone will like me, and that is okay, too. They are missing out if they choose to turn their noses up in the air and act as if they are better than me. They aren’t. We are made out of the same stuff, whether they want to acknowledge it or not. It just seems sad when a group of people are supposed to be coming together for a great cause only for it to end with hurt feelings and holier-than-thou attitudes.
I’m me. Plain and simple. I can’t be anything but me! Like me, love me, hate me, judge me … at the end of the day, I’m still going to be myself. That is good enough for GOD – then why isn’t it good enough for judgmental people that are waiting around every corner to tell you that you’re not good enough? Oh I beg to differ. I am a child of God, and HE loves me. He died on the cross for me. I AM good enough to receive the most precious gift ever – Eternal Life.
What gets me is the “church people” or fellow “Christians” that think they sit up on the judgement throne. They are full of criticism and condemnation, BUT … if they will remember, there is NO condemnation in Christ None! AND furthermore, who are they to judge me or the life I’m living? They have NO authority! ZERO!
I am secure in knowing that my Heavenly Father knows my heart, and THAT … that is all that truly matters.
If you feel wrongly judged, go to Jesus with your concerns. Let Him reassure you with His love. Turn to His word and see what Jesus says about you, for you are a precious Child of God! Don’t let others get you down. That’s something everyone likes to say when you’re feeling discouraged. I say that it’s okay to feel down for a moment when you’re disappointed and hurt by judgmental remarks that people make. Just don’t stay there. Don’t camp out there and decide to dwell upon what the nay-sayers spoke about you, your life, and your family. GOD knows your heart – and as long as you are straight with the Big Man Upstairs, you don’t need to explain or justify your position. You just need to be secure in who you are … a Child of God … and let the rest go. Pray for those that judge you, and hopefully one day they will remove the plank from their own eye instead of focusing on the sawdust in yours.
Be blessed, people. There are so many in this world that can’t wait to tear you down. Why? To make themselves feel better. They obviously don’t feel too good about themselves so they want to latch a hold of you and bring you down right along with them. Don’t allow it. Rise above it, people. You are better than this, no matter what they say.
Oh yes, I have learned that other people’s opinions of me simply do NOT matter. What God thinks of me does, so I will live my life for an audience of One and hope that He is well pleased.
Lesson Learned.
May 27, 2015 @ 8:57 pm
Beautifully said, Shirley! I feel the same way: I am ME and this is who I am! I know that I am a child of God and He loves me and that is enough for me! Fortunately, I do have a group of friends that I know care for the Me that I am!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful words!
May 27, 2015 @ 9:35 pm
Love your post. I’m also usually very suspicious of the zealous Very Christian Christians I meet in Church settings, as I’ve found them to be amongst some of the most Un-Christian people I’ve ever met. (Not all Church goers, obviously and not all people at the Churches I’ve attended). Sorry you had this experience but we sometimes just have to realise people do sit in judgement and fill our minds for more positive thoughts…great, thought-provoking, post. Thank you, Helen {I headed over from Tuesday at Ten}
May 28, 2015 @ 9:46 am
Hey Shirley .. a great post on the prompt phrase … love each week that you are a part of the linkup.. I enjoy you writings..
May 28, 2015 @ 10:14 am
I use to be a huge man pleaser. I believe I’ve come a long way, but I can’t say that I still do not allow people’s opinions to get the best of me at times. Still walking the journey!