Life Matters And So Do You!
Every weekday morning at 7:40 a.m. on our local radio station they share a message from a pastor. He ends his message the same way by saying, “Life matters … and so do you!”
Think of the impact that this phrase could have on people every where!
What if someone was really depressed and feeling as low as they could possibly go, and then they hear a message such as this?
They may be feeling as if they do not matter to anyone so what is the use anyway. Maybe they are consumed with lies from the devil, yet they hear the truth that they DO matter. That is life changing right there if they allow it to soak into their being and see the truth instead of listening to the lies from the enemy!
People do need to hear this and know deep down in their hearts that they do matter. They are important! What they have been through and are going through is important, too! It is a part of their story, and their story deserves to be told!
How can you impress upon someone today and let them know that they matter? In this cold, cruel world, how can you impact another person’s life with a positive message? Think on it and then put action behind it and actually do something about it.
Compliment someone. It might make a difference in their day and in how they view themselves, especially if inside they have a negative self image.
Treat people with respect. You would want that, so give to others that which you desire as well.
Listen with your ears but also your heart. We rush through our days often times not really hearing what people are trying to say to us. Listen intently and then allow your heart to show that care, concern, and empathy. Some times what means the most is when people are allowed to talk about what is bothering them when they know they have someone that is listening and cares! Give them your full attention especially at times when they are opening up and beginning to pour their hearts out to you.
YOU can make a difference. You know why? Because life matters … and SO DO YOU!