A Love Letter To God
My youngest daughter completely blessed my heart today! When I came home from work, there was a pretty pink card that she and her little friend made together. They had their little pictures on the front, and inside my daughter wrote beautiful words to God that touched my heart and soul.

Her love letter to God is as follows:
Dear God,
Thank you for horses, dogs, cats, bees, bunnies, plants, and flowers. But the most important thing that I am thankful for is YOU. Thank you for saving us from our sins and dying on the cross for us. Please God, please let the bad people be good.
Thank you for our house, our clothes, water, and food.
We all love your creations and we look at them every day. It is pretty.
Thank you for our eyes, mouth, and teeth; our ears, our brains, our skin and skull (she is studying this in Health class, y’all ~proud smile~). All of those things that you made are so pretty and wonderful.
When I saw all the colors I said, ‘My God made this.’
You are the ONE and ONLY God! You are powerful!

This precious nine year old daughter of mine has left me almost completely speechless.
I am one proud Mama!

February 5, 2014 @ 1:46 pm
She sounds like a remarkable little girl 🙂
February 5, 2014 @ 8:32 pm
Thank you, Denise. She sure is!
February 5, 2014 @ 9:05 pm
So sweet!
February 5, 2014 @ 9:08 pm
Thank you, Coco!