Make Them Feel Welcome
It matters how you treat people! Make them feel welcome! Whether it’s in your home, at your church, if they are new to the school, or a new employee on the job.
There is a famous quote that talks about how people will forget what you say, and people will forget what you do; however, people will never forget the way you make them feel!
This is so very true.
I remember how it felt a few years back upon entering a huge church with a congregation full to capacity. You’re already anxious about being out of your comfort zone, yet you forge ahead with sweaty palms, almost wringing your hands as you scan the room hoping for a friendly smile, a warm “Hello” … something, anything to show that you are being welcomed into the church. If you don’t feel welcome, the chances of you returning are slim to none.
This was the first impression we had upon attending a church years ago. Despite not feeling welcome at all, except by the preacher that went out of his way to greet us after the service, we continued going back week after week in hopes that we would finally fit in. While that never happened, we stuck it out and even volunteered to be on a committee. We became a part of the GROW team with emphasis on greeting people and making them feel welcome when they stepped foot into the church for the very first time. What greater feeling could there be than to feel welcome into the family of God and to experience the love that Christians are supposed to have one for another?!
It matters how you treat people.
It matters how they feel when they are in your presence.
It matters when you make people feel welcome!
I’ll never forget the incredible welcome I received when meeting my internet friend of 17 years in September of 2014. Debbie, who was fighting breast cancer at the time, welcomed us into her home. I felt as giddy as a school girl as our vehicle came to a stop in front of Debbie’s house. As quickly as I could, I gathered my gift bags and started making my way as calmly as possible to her front door. She was anticipating our arrival, and when she opened the door, immediately the squeals of “Oh my gosh … oh my gosh” were spoken through smiles a mile wide. We had our arms outstretched before we were even close enough to embrace. Now THAT was an incredible welcome! One I truly will never forget. Sadly, my friend lost her battle with cancer in November of 2014, just two short months after finally having the privilege of meeting her in person.
Thank you, dear Debbie, for the most amazing feeling in the entire world when you welcomed me into your home. Years earlier we welcomed each other into our hearts, and although you’re no longer on this earth, you’re still in my heart. I carry you with me, sweet lady. Thank you for the gift of 17 beautiful years of the greatest friendship I’ve ever known.
Join us weekly for Five Minute Fridays over at Kate’s virtual house.
January 10, 2015 @ 2:24 pm
Lovely post! It is amazing you were able to be a part of a team that was close to your heart!
January 13, 2015 @ 9:55 am
Yes, Natasha. That was the sweet part in all of this. God had a plan, and we were happy to be a part of it!