Miss Grumpy Pants
Yep, that’s what I’ll call her.
Miss Grumpy Pants.
If I based my self worth on what she says to me on a daily basis, I would have none. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
The things she says to me are quite often laced with a condescending tone and accusatory in nature.
It’s like, at the end of the day, she thinks there will be an award given to the one that grumps the most.
My point in this post is NOT to pick her apart. Instead, I wish to point out how people of this world will say harsh things to you, and, often times, about you as well. Yet, it is up to you as to how you will allow this to affect you. In the past, I would immediately take offense to this. Now, though, I feel I have grown due to all I’ve been through and can choose whether to take offense or not.
Yes, it is a choice.
Sure, I could fly off the handle and let my anger get the best of me as I yelled at her “always accusing me … always nagging.” OR, I can keep my composure, look her directly in the eyes, and nicely state my case.
The best part is next!
It’s where I let it go right after I’ve said what I needed to say about why I did this or that the way that I chose to do it. And in letting go, I hold on to the happiness that was already in my heart to begin with.
You see, I did NOT let her steal my joy!
Yea me!!!!
Most days, this is how I conduct business now.
And there is such freedom in letting the small stuff go.
Find your freedom today!
Proverbs 19:11
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.