My Strength Comes From The Lord
Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.
There are times when we can all use that reminder. When you feel battered and bruised, tossed to and fro in the raging storms of life, doesn’t this provide great comfort in knowing that you can draw upon the strength of the Lord?
You don’t have to fight this battle alone. Whatever it is you’re going through, it matters. It all matters. YOU matter. And it is important to wade through each and every emotion that comes flooding in. Just don’t get stuck there. Don’t let it bog you down to where you feel like you’re in quick sand. Reach up and grab the hand of the Lord. Allow Him to fill you with all the strength that you need to get you through whatever it is you are facing.
No, God will not give us more than we can bear. There are times we may feel like it, and I’m sure there have been times you’ve said that God sure does trust me to give me all of this to handle.
Friend, all you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord. Call upon the name of Jesus, and feel your weak, frail body start to feel whole again full of strength and courage even to face what lies ahead.
Say it out loud if you have to in order to draw strength and to feel the comfort of His Great and Mighty Arms around you. Say it loud and proud, with authority and conviction, with great determination!
My strength comes from the Lord!
While it will not make the storms of life immediately grow calm, God will calm YOU, His child.
Rest in His presence and allow Him to fill your cup until it runneth over, sweet child of God!
Yes, indeed. Your strength comes from the Lord.
Allow those comforting words to embrace your entire being: body, mind, and soul. Feel the strength rushing in now as God provides all that you need.
April 30, 2015 @ 12:22 pm
This is such a needed message, Shirley. So many of us get stuck in the middle of our personal storms and forget that there really is Someone who is right next to us even though we can’t see Him. It’s so easy to be overwhelmed with fear, regret, or sorrow during such times. “While it will not make the storms of life immediately grow calm, God will calm you, His child.” Great truth in that simple statement. May we learn to rest in His calm in the midst of the storm. Thanks for sharing this!
May 12, 2015 @ 6:24 pm
Thank you for what you added, Susan. We often times focus on our struggles when we’re in the eye of the storm, but we forget who keeps His eye and Hand upon us through it all.
April 30, 2015 @ 5:33 pm
What an important reminder – our strength comes from the Lord! Thanks for these wonderful scriptures and words!
May 12, 2015 @ 6:23 pm
So good to see you, Clare! Thank you for visiting with us.
May 1, 2015 @ 5:44 am
I often forgot this. God blessed me with a lot of talents and ambition (I promise this is not a boast because I have just as many weaknesses), but I forgot and rely on my own strength. That’s probably why he gave me so many weaknesses – so I would remember.
May 12, 2015 @ 6:22 pm
I didn’t see it as boasting, Jennie. God blessed you with strong points that made you exactly who you are. A lot of times we do focus on our weaknesses instead of our strengths, so I liked how you began with your God given strengths.
May 1, 2015 @ 7:53 am
I have definitely said, “God sure does trust me a LOT to give me all this to handle!” But I love this reminder that he really does give us strength, and that while he may not calm the storm right away, he will calm US. That’s where the growth happens, and where we become the people God wants us to be.
May 12, 2015 @ 6:20 pm
AMEN!! So very true, Elizabeth! He is still molding us and forming us into the people that He would have us to be.