National Marriage Week
Saturday, February 7, 2015, kicked off National Marriage Week. Did you even know there was such a thing? If you didn’t, you do now!
Marriage is so incredibly beautiful, and honestly, it is probably one of the hardest things you will ever have to work at. Once you chase the girl and catch her, your job is not over. You still have to continue to do everything within your power to show your wife that she is your number one priority and still the love of your life. Likewise, ladies, you can’t let yourself go after marriage. Strive to be the best that you can be for yourself, your husband, and later when children arrive on the scene.
The number one thing is to remember that there are not just two of you in this marriage. There are three. Christ should be in the center. God ordained marriage, and He intended for man and woman to be together laughing, loving, sharing, building each other up, and holding each other in hard times. A lot of times people will blankly repeat the wedding vows back after the preacher says them during the wedding ceremony, but how many truly mean the words that they say?
“For better, for worse, In sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live”
That means it is the two of you bound together as you walk through life no matter what comes your way. We all want to be healthy and stay that way, and that is my wish for you as well as myself. We all want things to be happy all of the time and peaceful, and yet, it rarely stays that way. Things can get rocky at times as people endure health problems, financial difficulties after the loss of a job, or even in-law issues … but the thing is that you work through all of them together.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old familiar song “Stand By Your Man …” I have and will continue to do so. We are a team, and we are in this together. I urge you and your spouse to stand together, too. Hand in hand, heart to heart, never ever to be apart. You two need to be a united front no matter what you’re going through – go through it together!
This week, focus on your marriage and the partner that God has given you in this life. Let them know that they still light your fire. Reassure them of your love and commitment you made to them.
Happy National Marriage Week, Everyone!
February 9, 2015 @ 4:39 pm
I have never heard of National Marriage Week, so thank you so much for sharing that. Marriage is hard work and it is sad that so many people throw in the towel and divorce (however in some instances divorce is warranted especially if abuse is happening). You can’t throw in the towel because it will never be easy, and you have to expect it to not be a walk in the park especially once kids are in the mix. Thanks for sharing.
February 9, 2015 @ 6:30 pm
Hi Miriam! You are so right. There are so many couples that are quick to throw in the towel these days. Divorce is never the answer, though. If there are hurts in this marriage that have gone unresolved, they just might resurface in another marriage as well unless they are dealt with. I wish I could speak to those considering divorce and try to talk them out of it. Unless there is abuse involved or affairs, I encourage couples to stay together and work it out ESPECIALLY if children are involved!