National Marriage Week
Did you know that February 7 – 14 marks National Marriage Week?
It is a wonderful time to reflect on your marriage and how far you’ve come together as a couple. You can smile and reminisce on old times while building a bright future together. What’s more is that you are looking forward to the golden years when you’re still walking together holding hands and looking fondly into each other’s eyes with love.
Would you say that your marriage is stronger now than ever before? Do you feel closer to your mate? Or, is there trouble in paradise?
To be honest, there will be points in your marriage where you feel and experience all of these things and more. You’ll feel that your marriage has gone through so many things from the very beginning when you first said, “I do …” to the point you’re at now. If you work together, though, marriage can be so wonderful and extremely rewarding.
For me, personally, I can say that my marriage is strong, and we are closer than ever before. I feel it strongly when we’re together, but I also feel this same way when we’re apart during the work day as well. We’ve been through so many things that other couples would just throw their hands up over and walk away. Yet, we’ve vowed to work things out together and are committed to making our love last. Has it always been easy? No! But, I can tell you that it has ALWAYS been worth it!
What can you do to celebrate your spouse?
Are there things in your marriage that you can work on today to help make it and your commitment stronger?
Marriage does take work from both parties, but it is the most rewarding relationship you will ever have in this life. God intended for your marriage to be blessed and filled with love. You have to do your part, though, each and every day.
Don’t just go into this thinking, “Hey, I caught him/her … my work here is done.” NO, it has only just begun! You have to continue doing the things that captured his/her heart before even when you’ve “caught” him/her now. If you keep doing all the things you did in the beginning to woo him/her, there will never be an end.
While everyone seems to be concentrating only on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, you don’t have to wait until that “one” special day a year to show your spouse how much they mean to you. Flowers, candy, cards, and even candles are sweet. But, putting forth effort daily to show your love and commitment to your spouse is priceless and will make all the difference in the world!