No More Than We Can Bear
There’s a bible verse that others love to put right in the forefront of your mind when you’re going through troubled times. It happened again just recently when I was struggling, although not telling others what was truly going on. Honestly, after they’ve heard so much, they really don’t want to hear more. They just think, “Oh poor unfortunate soul …” and move on being glad that it isn’t them going through it.
I get it. No one wants to listen to “that” person going through trials and tribulations. So, “that” person then withdraws within and does not speak of anything troubling them at all. That can be good and bad. It’s good because they focus on the only One that can do anything about what is troubling them; God. And it is bad because when they truly need someone to be there for them, no one can be found. This leaves the person who is already going through so much feeling isolated and alone; the very last thing they need at that moment in time.
Pictures plastered across Social Media tell quite a tale, don’t they? And you’re left to wonder if this troubled soul is indeed troubled. Or “living it up.” No one knows but God. Pictures can make it look all kinds of different ways. Where is the truth? It lies behind those eyes.
Rumors fly, and you just have to laugh because everyone thinks they “know.” Others ask all around for answers to their inquiring minds. Why would the answer matter? Just nosey people being busy bodies wanting to spread your business around when they should really be dealing with matters in their own life, leaving you alone.
Ah, but that is the nature of the beast. And curiosity killed the cat, don’t you know?
How about this? We pray for one another. Whether we know for “certain” what is going on, or whether we “think” we do, why not just bow our heads before our Heavenly Father and ask Him to bless them?
Why can’t we fall upon our knees asking God to help them, if we get one inkling that they might not be doing as well as they put on?
Or, keep that person in our thoughts, wishing them well along their path in life?
But to ask just for the guilty pleasure of “knowing” whether they’re truly struggling or happy in life … that is just the height of being human. Every one wants to know someone else’s business when they should be tending to their own.
If, by chance, a rare soul offers assistance, the pride wells up and won’t allow it. Why turn down someone willing to help? For fear that at some point “repayment” will be expected or resentment will build on behalf of the giver. And then they will think that the one they once gifted has taken advantage. When that is far from the truth of the matter.
Assumptions – what do they do? WE ALL KNOW … they make an A$$ out of you and me.
Yet, we assume we know so much.
And we hurt our own feelings with our thoughts that may not be based on truth.
How about take each day as it comes. That is what I’ve been taught to do by life, itself. There is no guarantee from one minute to the next on how things will go. Sure, we want things normal and simple, but my life has been anything BUT that these past few years.
No one wants to hear about yet another procedure … or another test … or another anything.
And so you keep quiet and to yourself.
Others wag their tongues about you and think they KNOW …
And you leave them to their thoughts and gossip.
No more than we can bear.