Nothing Personal
Have you ever read a status update on Facebook and just knew that your friend was talking about you or that post was meant specifically for you? If you have, consider that maybe it really and truly was nothing personal. Maybe it was just a generic post that was put up because the individual that posted it liked what it said. Or, maybe the situation warranted that saying in the past but may not apply currently; however, they just like the way it sounds.
It is hard when we’re in an emotional state not to take things personally. If we could reprogram our brains to function rationally at all times and not emotionally, we would never run into this problem. Here’s the thing. We are humans, and thankfully, we do run off of emotions. That is not a bad thing, but it does get us into a little bit of a pickle on occasions.
There are those that wander around in this world so closed up emotionally that hardly anything bothers them because it simply cannot get past the walls that they’ve put up. Then there are other people that are the complete opposite that wear their feelings on their sleeves. I tend to be one of those people, although I have tried really hard not to take everything on! I have tried to take a deep breath when I have been upset to try to ground and center myself, but there are times when I am not as successful as I would like to be in this situation.
I have been told that I am driven by my emotions. There have been others that have told me that I am “too sensitive” as if that is a character flaw that I possess. In my opinion, it’s not. I would rather be the way that I am any given day than to be someone that is so closed off emotionally that they will not allow another person into their hearts or their lives.
It does take a lot to trust someone and to allow them in to see the real you. In opening up emotionally, you make yourself more vulnerable. A lot of people think that leaves you wide open to being hurt, used, and abused. Not so fast. I would rather live my life as an emotional, sensitive being loving others and trusting them to love me in return than I would to close myself off from the rest of the world. Yes, loving means taking a risk of being hurt. To me, love is worth it and so much more. I’m not just speaking about romantic love but love of friends as well.
If others have hurt you in this life, whether it is a situation of the past that is still troubling you or something that has just recently happened, please know that God is close to the brokenhearted. He will bind up your wounds. He will be there to comfort you and fill you with His unconditional love if you only allow Him to do so. Let God in, and consider tearing down those walls so that others are allowed into the inner depths of the chambers of your heart. Not everyone is out to hurt you. There are some out in this cold, cruel world that just want to love. Allow us to wrap our love around you.
August 25, 2014 @ 8:38 am
Thank you, Shirley. I think on some level it is human nature to look for hidden meanings when we are troubled about something. We, ourselves, think things are being broadcast when the reality is they truly aren’t. We think “certainly what is being talked about or one is having trouble with is being broadcast the world over! Isn’t it??!!”
It is like you said, when one steps back from their own inner turmoil and fully allows Creator to come in and soothe your heart and mind – it is only then that we begin to heal. Today I am filled with White Light and peace is where I choose to live today. No more guessing as to what others are doing and certainly no controlling! I am willing today to allow life to happen and not try to drive life in a certain direction. Unless I become I spy, I must learn, like many, to accept the words written as truth and stop looking for a false meaning where none exists.
August 25, 2014 @ 12:31 pm
Beautifully stated, Tamela. Thank you.
August 25, 2014 @ 12:55 pm
I too can let my emotions get the best of me, it only natural. I always am thing people are talking about me.
August 25, 2014 @ 1:07 pm
I think we all do this from time to time, Tara. We take on things that really aren’t ours to take on. We may see something that triggers our thoughts to go to a place where we have some pain, and we may take things personally when it wasn’t aimed at us at all. It is a hard cycle to break, but if we’re mindful of this going in, it might make the difference. Maybe we can remove ourselves for just a minute to check ourselves, then proceed. Easier said than done, I know.
August 25, 2014 @ 1:37 pm
Awesome post! Definitely something I think everyone needs to read 🙂
August 26, 2014 @ 7:53 pm
Aww, thank you so much, Kristen. By the way, I LOVE the “Ladybug Blessings!” My daughter’s nickname is “Ladybug!”
August 25, 2014 @ 4:05 pm
This reminds me of Jungian shadow work – that the things that drive us nuts about other people are really the things we sometimes can’t stand about ourselves. Great post!
August 26, 2014 @ 7:52 pm
Thank you, Keiko! Yes, that is very interesting, indeed, how that works!
August 25, 2014 @ 5:20 pm
I am one of those with the walls up. If something does bother me, well I keep it to myself a majority of the time. Which I know is not always the best thing, sometimes letting the emotion out and expressing it can be a good thing.
August 26, 2014 @ 7:51 pm
I used to be one of those with the walls up also, Jay. Then when I started thinking about it, the walls were to keep people OUT so they couldn’t get close enough to hurt me. Yet, I was the prison because I closed myself in! I had to do something about that and open myself up more. It has been worth tearing those walls down, as scary as it was to begin with.
August 27, 2014 @ 3:23 pm
I think we all tend to do this and it is hard not to take it personally but we must try. Sometimes I think it has more to do with the person posting and something they are going through. It would be a great time to pray for them!
August 27, 2014 @ 3:58 pm
You make a very good point, Heidi. It very well could be something that the person is going through. It would be wonderful if we could turn our focus from ourselves and on to praying for them.