
What do you do when your friend has cancer? When there is no way you can “make it better” for them or “fix” it. When all of your well wishes and positive thoughts won’t “heal” her.
You pray.
You support.
You encourage.
You listen.
You cry.
All of these and more, actually.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Maria for over 20 years. My Maria, like the Brooks and Dunn song that was popular in the 90s … my Maria … o/~ o/~o/~o/~ … (that’s my weak attempt at musical notes).
We met way back when a broken woman wandered into an online forum called the Lifetime Lounge (that’s me, I was the broken one back then). There, this woman found great comfort among strangers, and a kinship developed causing once mere strangers to form a bond stronger than some families ever dream of having.
I have been so fortunate and blessed to have developed such friendships with a handful of people, and we remain friends to this very day. Life has caused some disruptions (that’s an understatement, especially with the Covid pandemic that has been ongoing). Time has passed, and although some have grown apart as tends to happen through the years, I still feel that bonds are ever present. It’s there, just as the love that remains no matter the length of time that goes between a phone call, text, or Facebook message.
Little things have cropped up through the years that caused misunderstandings and people to fall out with each other. Oh, how I wish I could turn back the hands of time and fix the bad things that happened and get back the time that has been lost. Not just with my relationships but with others all over the land so that no one has to endure such a loss as this ever again. Alas, I don’t possess that power. Even in my own situations, it has happened. I was shocked at my own pettiness when I was reminded of the reasons behind the lack of communication. For us to have allowed something so small (which must have felt huge at the time) to place wedges between us … it all seems so ridiculous now. It’s in the past, and all we can do is go forward with the lessons we have learned along the way.
I know I’m rambling, by the way. I have some unprocessed feelings, and what better place to work through them than right here, as writing has always been a form of therapy for me. That is yet another thing my Maria and I have in common. She is a beautiful writer, among other things. The way she tells a story puts you right there in the midst of it, and you feel the feelings and go through the emotions right alongside her. I could not bring myself to read her posts initially without tears streaming down my face. Now, tears still sting my eyes as I face the reality that my friend has staring her in the face daily.
One of the other beautiful souls I met over 20 years ago, Greg, has helped so many times through the years. Naturally, he is the first person I thought of when Maria reached out with an idea she had. He helped orchestrate it. You see, once upon a time, Maria designed a website called Heartistic Wishes. It was an online e-card site with beautiful images, and we used that site a lot back in those days sending words of love to our friends, family, and each other. Fast forward over all of these years, and now Greg has resurrected the site so that we can all send e-cards to Maria now, the original Heartistic. All of the cards go directly to Maria’s email now. What a brilliant idea … after all, it is the fastest way to get your message to her in an online message!
Maria loves hearts, and she was concerned about others spending money buying cards to send her in the mail. She came up with a clever idea of people making their own hearts, instead. Colored construction paper doesn’t cost much at all, and it’s fun cutting out different designs. Some use templates to cut the hearts, others just freehand it. But the point is to cut out those paper hearts and write your messages of love, support, and encouragement to Maria. Whether you know her and love her, like we do, or you’re just coming to know her via this post … Maria would love to surround herself with colorful hearts of all shapes and sizes. She would take the cards with her to the hospital when she had to stay for an extended period of time, and they provided a bright spot in her day when she would see the visual display of love in her room.
If you would be so kind as to send your paper hearts to her at the below address, it would add a little sunshine into her days and warm her heart:
Maria Miller
100 W. 100 S.
Lagrange, IN 46761
We have a Facebook page we created also to follow along on her journey. Would you please visit:
Maria’s Journey – Living With, Defeating, and Conquering Leukemia
I have a small Instagram page for her as well.
Last, but not least … and honestly the most important thing you CAN do for her … please add Maria to your prayer chains at your church, with your friends and family, and if your office has prayer time also (I am lucky and blessed to work in an office environment with believers that pray daily for others). Pray over Maria, her husband, her children and stepchildren, her grandchildren, her friends … speak her name …
God hears us all …
From the moment I first heard his voice, I was struck by the talent Gary LeVox possesses. If the name doesn’t sound familiar yet, it soon will. You may remember him as the lead singer and co-founder of Rascal Flatts! I can almost see your eyes widen and face light up once you put two and two together now!
Yes, THAT Gary LeVox!
He combined music with his faith, and One On One was born.
I sat at work streaming his latest songs on repeat, they are THAT good! MercyMe, BRELAND, and more join Gary on this adventure, including his own daughter, Brittany. That truly touches my heart that they have joined together praising God with their talent. There’s nothing quite like a bond shared between a father and a daughter, so this really spoke to me on a different level as I have always been Daddy’s Girl!
Gary believes it goes beyond just the stage presence, lights, and stardom but is an opportunity to show his fans that he is a man of God. He has had the opportunity to meet fans, and he has used this time to pray with those struggling with big things such as a cancer diagnosis. There is such power in prayer, and joining together lifting their hearts before our Heavenly Father, there just is no greater honor! Gary is able to show both on and off stage his love for Christ and his passion as he reaches more souls through his music on a much deeper level now.
One dollar of every purchase goes to fight human trafficking through the Tim Tebow Foundation. Would you please consider giving his latest EP a listen, as it debuts tomorrow, May 21, 2021:
Music, faith, and a whole lot of Jesus!
You will be blessed as you listen to One on One. We encourage you to share with others as well so that they may be blessed in the process.
Disclosure: Many thanks to Capitol Christian Music Group for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
#GaryLeVoxMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Once upon a time, a tiny teacup Yorkie entered my life and became the center of my world.
It was October 2011, to be exact, when we ventured to another town to see the little puppy that would become my Baby. I’ll never forget visiting with her and her brother, because the two were complete opposites. My youngest daughter was with us that day, at seven years old, and she was drawn to a rambunctious little boy. This little guy was running all over the living room keeping her entertained. Meanwhile, the little girl was shying away from all of the activities and hiding behind the leg of the chair. Pretty soon she made her way behind the couch, and I went to retrieve her. She was so timid and wanted to hide away from everyone and everything, it seemed, at that moment. My daughter continued chasing the little boy around the room, while I picked up this little darling and held her close to me. She had stolen my heart in that short amount of time, and she has had my heart ever since.
On the ride home that day, Baby decided it would be fun to climb on me, and before too long, she was perched on my shoulder almost like a parrot! She was too funny when she would do this. This soon became her favorite place to be, it seemed.
I held Baby close to my heart the rest of the way home, and I think that sealed the bond between us. From that moment on, I was her mama, and she was my sweet little baby girl. While my youngest daughter was sad that we didn’t take the wild one home with us, she soon realized that this shy baby girl could get wound up all on her own when the notion struck her.
My oldest daughter was thrilled by this little baby from the moment she returned home and set eyes on her. Baby was such a fitting name for her. We carried her around like a little baby, and we played dress up with her.
Because Baby was so tiny, we had to watch her closely so that her blood sugar levels didn’t drop. I remember running home on my lunch break to give her some special medicine to help her.
Baby slept next to a Big Ben clock, as the ticking reminder her of her mother’s heartbeat. We had little stuffed animals with her, but she was so tiny in comparison to them.
Pretty soon, Baby was entertaining the entire household with how she would turn into the Tasmanian Devil when the notion would strike her. She would twirl around and bark, turn back around the opposite direction and bark some more. She had a white and red little puppy dog stuffed animal that she would take in her mouth and shake. Then she would jump around some more while making the cutest growling sound.
Everyone loved Baby! Except the groomers … ha! There was this one time that Baby bit one of the groomers when they attempted to touch her feet. From then on, the groomer decided to let someone else handle Baby when she would come in for a spa day. It was amazing to me how a huge adult could be so afraid of this little two pound dog. What was even funnier was that Baby never did this to me. I would purposely hold her little paw in my hand and rub it with my fingers. Although she would get this look on her face and draw her head back, she never bit me!
The vet loved to see her coming, as she was just a little tiny thing, and all of the ladies in the office were ohhing and ahhing over her. Baby didn’t like anyone else messing with her, and it was obvious when the vet tech would take her to administer shots and check her weight. She would often bark and pitch such a fit until she was back in my arms again. They laughed and said she certainly wanted her mama!
I was so crazy about this little girl that I took her for a photo shoot also. I liked her hair longer, although I could never let it completely grow out where it would touch the ground. She would take her little paw and rub her eyes with it, and I knew she didn’t like much being in her face so I kept her cut short after her “glamour” shots were taken.
While Baby didn’t like to be messed with, except for on her terms, she would bark to let us know when she was ready for attention. It could be quiet in the entire house, then all of a sudden, we would hear the sweetest little bark from the other room. We would run to get her, and she would snuggle down in the blanket. She didn’t like being held, but she was happy being close and snuggled up between my knees in her blankie.
Baby had a keen sense of smell, too. We would sit down to eat supper, and shortly thereafter, we would hear a bark from the other room. She knew it was supper time, and she wanted some of what we were having. Without fail, I would save a portion of my meal to share with Baby and her sister (Trixie) and brother (Shadow). I would not feel right if I didn’t share with them.
A nightly bedtime ritual, which my husband hated, was for me to say, “Everyone’s getting in the bed!” Baby and Trixie would scurry to my room as fast as their little feet would take them. They wanted to lay with me for just a little while before being taken to their very own bed where they would sleep at night. I loved cupping my hand, and Baby snuggling right into it. That is when she didn’t mind being close, and she would let me draw her near to my chest.
Baby liked her little “hidey hole” and it was a wonder she could even breathe tucked down inside her blanket or curled up on the very edge of her bed. She was always cold, and so we would buy her little outfits to keep her warm. Even the extra small was too big for her at times. Oh how we loved dressing this little girl up!
When Baby was three years old, we gave her a sister, Trixie. Baby did NOT appreciate this one bit, as Trixie was now her roommate. Baby barely tolerated humans at this point, and yet we placed her with a very active sibling. Ha! She would growl at Trixie to let her know to stay on her side, but pretty soon, Trixie won Baby over. You’d find them snuggled together in her older years.
The year 2021 brought Baby fame, as my oldest daughter created a Tic Tok channel for her. My daughter would make videos of Baby, and we would laugh at her antics.
Yorkies are known for their eye problems, and unfortunately, the newest vet said that Yorkies also are predisposed to gum disease. Her entire jaw disintegrated. My oldest daughter thought it was due to Baby mistaking a fidget spinner for a snack, which made her lose a tooth. But it wasn’t my daughter’s fault at all. Unfortunately, it was just something that happens with this breed. Sadly, Baby lost several teeth, and the remaining ones had to be pulled by the vet to ensure she did not get an infection. Although my husband didn’t always act like he was a big fan, we knew he loved her, too, as he made sure that Baby had lubricating eye drops or ointment daily, even though she lost her vision anyway over time. Baby would still get around good in her surroundings despite the loss of vision, as she relied heavily on her sense of smell as well as her hearing, which was still in good shape! We could call her, and she would use her nose to find her way to us, if we didn’t get to her first. Baby ate good, too, even without teeth, as we made sure to break apart tiny pieces for Baby to eat. She loved chicken, ham, and bacon, especially. My husband gave her breakfast every morning like this, and we gave her dinner in the evenings. Baby did just fine and adapted to her health conditions, although it sounds horrible when you read these words.
Baby has given us a lot of joy, happiness, and love! We have made wonderful memories with her through the years. We joked that she only tolerated humans in her older years especially, but oh how she loved her mama!
The lifespan of a teacup Yorkie is only seven to nine years due to their tiny organs, but honestly, the first vet we took Baby to didn’t give her that long. He kept stressing to us on every visit that she had tiny organs, and he said she wouldn’t live but just a few years. Thankfully, he was wrong! Baby has been entertaining and loving us for almost ten years. Sadly, though, she will not see her 10th birthday on July 31st, as Baby’s health has declined recently. This breaks our hearts!
Yesterday the entire family was there taking turns holding and loving on Baby. She means so much to us all, and it is just so sad that dogs cannot live forever! While I know that her memory and love will live on in our hearts, it is sad to think of a world without our Baby. Please pray that if the end is near that she will go quickly and will not linger nor be in any pain. And please pray for our hearts, as they have been shattered as we watch our little Baby fade away. Tears seem to never end and fall from our eyes as our hearts break. Holding her frail body and cuddling with Baby yesterday felt just like I was losing a piece of my soul with each ragged breath she took …
Forever in our hearts … until we meet again … We love you so much, and you have been the best little girl ever! We are so thankful that you held on as long as you did for us, and thank you for letting us love on you and cuddle with you. There will never ever be anyone that could ever take your place, and please know that you are taking a huge part of your mama’s heart with you.
While only weighing in at two pounds, you sure gave a ton of pure love that we will carry with us throughout life. We love you, Teeta (which started off as Sweetest Little Girl In The Whole World and got shortened with us playing around and joking), Teeta Weez, Dah-den, La-weez, Beba-beba-beba, Weezy girl, Deenie, Rodent-Elizabe … Teeta-little-weez … forever our Baby girl!
If love alone could have saved you …
Two friends suffered the loss of their adult children by suicide; one in December, right before Christmas, and the other at the beginning of January. Both families are still distraught as they try to make sense of this, when no one can comprehend the amount of despair these young adults were feeling to have resorted to such extremes. The family is left feeling such extreme grief that is unlike any other grief. It feels as if someone has ripped your heart completely out of your chest and then slammed it down on the concrete as five thousand semi trucks continue to run over it. Yes, that is the extreme pain families feel after a loss such as this. Sadly, I experienced this when we lost my sister to suicide in 2001.
At a time like this, there isn’t much comfort you can offer the families, other than the knowledge that you are there for them. Please, continue to rally around them long after the funeral is over. In the weeks, months, and years to come, that is when they truly need you the most. They feel numb at times, then a wave of grief knocks them over and they feel like they are drowning all over again in the sea of a million questions that scream at them “WHY DIDN’T I KNOW THEY WERE THIS LOW? “HOW COULD THEY HAVE DONE THIS?” ” GOD, WHY DID HIS HAPPEN?” “WHY DIDN’T THEY COME TO ME?” “I LET THEM DOWN … I SHOULD HAVE KNOW … I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR THEM!” Guilt consumes them, and it feels like someone has a hand on their throat choking the life out of them, too.
In the midst of ALL of this, please … remember them!
Remember the loved ones that they are grieving such a tragic loss over. Remember the good times, and share those memories with the family. Don’t be afraid to speak their loved one’s name for fear that it will cause them more pain. One of the most painful things at this moment in time is thinking that people will forget all about the one that has passed. Keep their memory alive! It actually helps the family to know that you have fond memories of their loved one. Share your stories! Talk about “this one time when they made you laugh until your face and sides hurt” or “they were such a prankster when they did this or that …” These memories are music to the parent’s ears. One of their biggest fears is that people will forget the one that their heart is shattered over losing. Reassure them that you will not forget …. and share with the family as a way to help them during this horrific time in their lives.
No one should EVER have to experience this special life altering loss of a loved one, and yet there are so many that take their lives each year. People talk about the “signs” and yet often the person was able to hide their depression or feelings of despair from those closest to them. There is no way we could have known that my sister would have taken her own life. Just like the gentleman that lost his son in December said, “You never could have convinced me that my son would have been capable of or would have taken his own life. Unfortunately, I was wrong.”
The mother grieving the loss of her only child, her precious adult daughter, shares pictures daily. Occasionally, she will share her heart and pour out exactly how she is feeling in a post. Often times, though, she sits alone crying with gut wrenching sobs escaping her lips.
Initially, survivors of suicide feel the need to protect their loved one’s name by trying to fix every wrong rumor that is going around town about them. They rush to their loved one’s defense of such tall tales. They don’t want anyone to tarnish their loved one’s memory with such fabricated stories. Even the truth doesn’t need to be told. It’s like a secret contained in a jack-in-the box. It’s a secret that the family wanted to contain, yet someone has twisted and turned the handle multiple times until the secret jumped out of the box and, much to the family’s horror, was revealed for all to know.
Please don’t focus on how the person passed. Instead, focus on the precious life they lived when they were here. Focus on the love they shared and the many lives the person touched while here on this earth.
In the case of both parents, their children are still touching lives today, long after they have passed. Because it enables those that still have their children to open up a dialog with them about such topics as depression so this doesn’t happen to another child, teen, young adult, or ANY ONE!
Remember them.
The ones that have passed. Share the beautiful stories of their lives and how they made you laugh or how they touched your heart! Don’t be afraid to say their name!! It is music to the family’s ears!
Remember the parents and all family members that are grieving. It affects everyone. It is like a stone tossed into a river, and the ripples affect everything in it’s path. Be there to listen … to offer a hug … just to sit silently with them holding their hand. Just be there and reassure the family that even though they don’t know how they will take their next breath, you will be there with them helping them along the way as best you can.
Remember the ones currently in your life and do everything possible to let them know you’re there, whatever the need. Listen to them, no matter if they rant about the same thing for the 10th time that day. They obviously have something that is bothering them for them to feel the need to bring it up. Let them talk and get it all out. Listen. Offer a shoulder to cry on, if needed. Or just be a sounding board for that person. Keeping it inside does more harm than good, so be the person that listens and, more importantly, validates them!
There is much yet left to be done to help others in this world. Be the person that doesn’t shy away but instead is present to be a friend especially when a person is in need. Don’t let a single other person on the face of this earth EVER feel alone again, if you can help it.
And pray.
Please keep these families in your prayers. I promise you, they need them!
Four simple words can mean the whole world to someone.
“I’ll be there for you”
Those four words softly spoken when a person is feeling hopeless, weak, or powerless might change their outlook at the moment and help them hold on a little tighter.
No one likes to feel as if they are facing things in this world alone. Being there for someone will help them tremendously, even if there isn’t anything you can specifically do for their situation other than offer prayers. Showing support and encouraging others has to be real and genuine. If it’s forced, fake, or doesn’t come from the heart, it will show and make matters worse.
I’m sure there have been times in your life when you’ve been there for someone. Yet, when you are the one in need of support and encouragement, no one can be bothered. It hurts when this happens, and if we’re truthful, there have been times we all have encountered this in our lives. Right off, I can think of several individuals I have been there for in their time of need. While it wasn’t my battle, I showed up with my armor on and weapons drawn ready to fight right alongside them. Together we were strong and a force to be reckoned with. Fast forward to years later when I’m the one in need, and I put on the armor, grab my weapons the best way I can, and proceed to fight alone.
No one should ever feel as if they are alone. In a world with seven billion people, surely there is someone out there that can help fight this feeling.
Yesterday I witnessed a lady come into the office wearing a brave face, determined not to let her hurt show. However, after a few minutes, she dissolved into silent tears. As she waited for her appointment, I couldn’t sit there and not acknowledge her tears. I offered her a tissue, then reassured her the best that I could. She smiled as tears streamed down her face. After her appointment, I let her know that I would be praying for her as she made her way to the exit. And I meant it, every single word.
Prayer is a powerful weapon all on it’s own. Calling out to the Great and Almighty God that we serve does NOT fall on deaf ears. He will ensure that in a world full of seven billion people that are in such a hurry to go here or there that you are NOT alone, for He is always with us. We can’t see Him, but we can be comforted in the knowledge that He is there! When others we have helped along the path in life simply do not have the time nor desire to return the favor, God is there to help us. All we have to do is cry out to Him. He already knows what is going on, He just simply wants us to invite Him into the situation.
When you pray, know that God has His hands outstretched saying to you, “I’ll be there for you, My Child.” Take His hand and fall into the loving arms of your Heavenly Father.
I know you are like me and would love the companionship of the friend you helped when their father was going through cancer treatments, and you were rallying alongside them. Or the friend that faced their mother’s health concerns. Even the friend that was bi-polar that you took to the hospital so they could receive the treatment they needed. Someone … anyone …
Just know that God is there. Through it all. And He always will be.
Sitting in my office scrolling mindlessly through Facebook, my phone begin to ring as I held it in my hand.
“We need to schedule further testing.”
~heavy sigh~
No one wants to hear that, but instead of sticking my head in the sand I went forward with scheduling appointments.
As I tried to go about my day, I reached out to a select few individuals for support. I encountered different reactions for sure, and it made me think of the saying I heard long ago of “different strokes for different folks.”
The first individual I reached out to said right away that they would pray for me, and I believe it with my whole heart that they have and will continue to do so. The second individual didn’t take it so well and begin to “freak out” over the situation and question, expecting me to say something more or different than I had previously. Yet, the answer would remain the same. The third individual was no support whatsoever as they found every negative to grasp ahold onto in our limited five minute conversation before I found a reason real fast to hang up. I felt worse after reaching out to this person than I had before placing the phone call. Another individual reassured me that I can always count on them, while the final person I chose to engage quite literally laid their hands on me and begin to pray for healing.
We all have different ways in which we deal with things that come at us. In my situation, I chose right away to go in for more bloodwork and the ultrasound the doctor recommended. Others in my own family would have chosen to take a few days to “roll this around” as they thought on it before actually going in for additional testing. When I was told that the scheduler wouldn’t be in until tomorrow, I asked if I could schedule my own ultrasound. When advised that I could, I took the bull by the horns and will be seen this afternoon.
There’s no guidebook that tells you how to navigate the waters in life. You just do the best you can, and I imagine each of these individuals feel they handled it to the best of their ability. I appreciate each one for they have shown me who they are and how I can count on them in various different ways. For the one that chose to immediately encourage me with knowledge that they would pray for me, my heart thanks them completely because I know that ALL things are possible with and through God. For the person that had a “freak out” moment, I know that I have to be selective about what I tell them in moments when I’m feeling fragile so that I do not “freak out” even more so myself due to their energy. For the individual that piled every negative and felt it their job to shovel doom and gloom on top of my head, they have taught me never to reach out to them again for support because encouragement is foreign to them. And for the precious individual that laid hands on me and began to pray, I cried … there was no holding back those tears at that particular moment in time. All that I had been holding back the entire day came like a flood past the gates or like a river bursting through the dam, as the tears spilled down my cheeks.
Let this be a lesson to choose wisely who you turn to for support and encouragement. And follow the believers who will take it to the Lord in prayer each and every time. When we feel hopeless and not in control of anything in this life, we can take it to the One that controls everything.
I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know Who holds tomorrow.
This movie was an interesting one, for sure. It began with a very successful youth pastor capturing his audience and delivering messages of scripture from the Word of God. Touring all over the country, he became very much a positive influence to anyone that would take the time to listen.
During one sermon, someone threw him a beach ball on stage asking for him to sign it. He wasn’t sure what that was about but signed it anyway and threw it back into the audience. The crowd absolutely loved this so much, and upon seeing this, the marketing manager decided this would be a new promotional tool to gain further success. However, as it turned out, the beach ball ended up becoming a huge distraction from the actual sermon!
The main preacher started to become more and more successful with his audience and with his antics, even wearing a superhero outfit. All of these things began to distract even more from the actual Word of God! Sadly, because the youth pastor was not in agreement to this new marketing plan, he was asked to leave and subsequently got laid off. As you can imagine, the frustration mounted with this outcome.
We won’t spoil the movie for you, and it DOES get better … so we encourage you, instead, to watch Church People! The outcome was amazing!
#ChurchPeopleFilm #ChurchPeopleMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Disclosure: Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Oh, how I love movies like Dolphin Island!
This movie takes place in paradise on a tropical island! It all begins with Annabel, a 14-year-old girl, and Mitzy, the dolphin. As you can imagine, I was immediately drawn in as this movie setting reminded me of the times my family and I visited the Bahamas and swam with the dolphins!
Annabel came to live with her fisherman grandfather after tragedy struck and took her parents away. Her grandfather cares very deeply for her and has provided for her the best he can, even retiring to ensure he is there for her whatever the need. She is living what seems like the best life, when a shady lawyer is sent to rock their world. It isn’t long before a social worker pays a visit to their fishing boat, and looks down her nose at their living conditions and their surroundings. Later, this very same social worker would become one that turns the case completely around. Ah, but I will not spoil the surprise for you! Just know that it truly matters who your friends are. ~wink~
Annabel’s ailing maternal grandparents seek custody of her, as her grandmother’s mental state is declining. The maternal grandfather seeks to have a relationship with Annabel since things were so strained with her mother before her passing. Uprooting Annabel isn’t right, and it causes great heartache and pain for her. When the transition was to take place, Annabel runs away, taking the helm of the ship herself. Trouble awaits, and soon things take a drastic turn. Luckily, Mitzy, the dolphin is able to point them in the right direction to save Annabel’s life.
This movie is about overcoming challenges, strong family ties, devoted friends, and unwavering faith … and it is available for you and your family to watch! Dolphin Island will not disappoint!
#DolphinIslandMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Disclosure: Many thanks to Entertainment Squad for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
How often do you sit and think about the teenage girls, alone in their rooms, seeking companionship through their phone. Often times, in the dark hours of the night, there is a stranger looking to become their friend. In their innocence, they don’t think about the dangers that could be lurking. All they want is someone to talk to when everyone else has turned in for the night. Sleep won’t come, so they respond to the stranger on the other end, and soon they find they are sharing their world with each other nightly. Seemingly, they form a very special bond, and the urge to meet in person is so strong. Soon, they are making plans for the young, naive girl to sneak out of her parent’s home to slip into an awaiting vehicle to meet her friend.
This is a scene that is all too common, and occurs more often than we truly know, all over the United States. Sadly, the young ladies aren’t meeting their friend, their Prince Charming, but instead will meet their worst nightmare as these innocent ones are sold into sex trafficking.
The film Trafficked allows us a glimpse into the fate of these young ladies at the hands of pimps. When Allison, at the age of Sweet Sixteen, was supposed to be celebrating her birthday with family and friends, instead, she is whisked away where she is kept in a dog cage until time for her to “work.” Allison is hesitant at first until the pimp reaches into his pocket to retrieve a picture of her younger sister. Allison accepts drugs from the pimp that insists upon being called “Daddy.” Her life has been turned upside down by one mistake; trusting someone that “catfished” her online. Numb to her reality, Allison complies with the pimp’s wishes in order to protect her sister.
Meanwhile, Allison’s family hires an outrageously expensive private investigator, Dean Cain, when they feel like the law enforcement officers aren’t taking Allison’s disappearance serious enough. The once soft spoken grandmother gives up her retirement funds in order to find her granddaughter!
The film takes many twists and turns, as a feeling of hopelessness consumes the entire family. In despair, Allison’s father contemplates taking his own life, but just when he needs it the most, the private investigator provides a spark of hope that ignites a fire within her father. Joining forces with the investigator and his team, the father storms into the pimp’s house in search of his daughter!
I won’t tell you how this story ends, in hopes that you will desire to watch the film. Please don’t stop there, though. Help bring awareness to sex trafficking!
This film was particularly hard for me to watch, as I have a sixteen year old daughter who JUST revealed to me two weeks ago that she has been speaking with a young man she “met” online. My heart shatters at the thought of someone catfishing her, seeking to destroy her in this fashion.
As parents, it’s our job to protect them! Yet, due to their innocence, they fall into the hands of people that seek to harm them. We must warn them of the dangers that lurk on the internet!
Thankfully, not all people on the internet are bad! I won’t lump all internet users into the same category, as I have made lifelong friends with people I “met” online. Some have been in my life now for 23 years, and I have been so blessed by their friendship. After this length of time, we have become more like family. But we must not lose sight of the fact that not ALL people seek to bless our lives, and we must not get too comfortable revealing things about ourselves with people we meet online. There is danger lurking when our young ones least expect it.
I’d like to share some resources with you that provide talking points and other beneficial information. Let’s bring awareness to this subject and help prevent young ladies from falling into this trap! If you’re concerned about how to talk to your children, then please review the 10 Easy Conversation Starters at this link.
Help is available for those that may have lived this nightmare and have come out on the other side a survivor! Please reach out to the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance if you or someone you know have been affected by sex trafficking.
#TraffickedMovieMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
Disclosure: Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
“It’s not aggressive …”
His voice trailed off as I clutched the phone in my hand, the news assaulting my ears and devastating my heart and soul.
My world seemingly crumbled at my feet, and the tears rushed in like a full waterfall after weeks of rain, placing a tight ball in my throat rendering me unable to speak.
I sat in silence as he continued, “The news isn’t what we had hoped and prayed for, but this is a part of my journey here on earth. What’s that saying? ‘It is what it is’ …”
I struggled to regain my composure and force a response that wouldn’t let on that tears were streaming down my face, but he knew. He always knows.
Immediately, I wanted to swoop in and fix it! I wanted to solve all of his problems and take any and all burdens from him.
And yet …
This one is completely out of my control.
We spoke for a few more minutes, trying to make peace with this news that no one ever wants to hear. Then as we ended the call, I broke down completely with gut wrenching sobs escaping my lips. There was no stopping the wailing cries that were coming from what felt like my toes traveling up to escape, while the pain reflected on my face.
I didn’t care about anything at that moment, except this dear person’s life and survival!
Trying to process the news that took the breath right out of my lungs, I could feel the anger rising within me.
“WHY, GOD?!?! WHY HIM?!?!
We PRAYED to you! We asked YOU for good results from the biopsy, not THIS!
Why would you take a good man … and put him through SO MUCH in his lifetime!?
With fists and teeth clenched, I yelled out WHY, GOD!?!
YOU SAID all we needed was faith as small as a mustard seed, and we have MORE than that. Yet, you allowed this!
It’s not fair! Why do the bad people in the world seem to skate by without any thing bad happening to them? And yet this man … you make suffer.”
Anger is a very strong emotion! Although we are taught not to question God, it is only human nature to do so! It isn’t a sin, by the way. And, He can handle it. He IS God, after all.
The important thing is to get it all out; yell, scream, cry, even shake your fists at God!
Just DO NOT turn from Him!
And we won’t!
After having a meltdown or two, fussing and reasoning with God … I finally gathered all of the shattered pieces of my heart and turned them back over to Him.
“Help him, Lord … heal him on THIS side of Heaven! We want to keep him here with us. Please, God … please!”
My husband and I just recently watched Faith Under Fire. Dean Cain not only stars in this very powerful movie, but he is a co-producer along with Kevin Sorbo.
The movie begins with a lot of action as firefighters go into a burning building to rescue a little girl. They were successful in locating her, and one firefighter emerges from the building, that is almost engulfed in flames at this point, carrying the little girl in his arms. The crowd that had started to gather began to cheer, and the mother was moved to tears that her daughter was saved from a horrible death.
Sadly, in this movie, another firefighter’s wife is stricken with cancer and passes away. Shortly thereafter, his only child, a daughter, is also diagnosed with cancer. It was a hard movie to watch, as you can imagine. However, the message in this movie is so incredibly powerful and worth putting yourself through the emotional turmoil one is bound to feel when watching a movie like this.
When things of this nature happen, people either turn TO God or turn AWAY from God. It is sad to think of anyone turning away from God when He is the only one that can help them through such a horrible life event. For the non-believers, how do they even have hope to carry on without knowing our Lord and Savior?
Personally, I know someone very close to me that endured a horrifically tragic event in their life, one that resulted in them losing their own daughter. This individual turned away from God because he was mad. He said he asked God to take care of his little girl, but he didn’t mean THIS way. It took a few years before this individual recognized that the only way He would see his beloved daughter again is if he turned back to God, as He gave us all the gift of eternal life through His son, Jesus Christ. This story had somewhat of a happy ending in that this father returned to God and his faith, and He will be reunited in Heaven one sweet day with his daughter.
Sadly, this holiday season, a boating friend of ours just endured the tragic loss of his son. Just as equally horrific was the fact that he took his own life. At only 22 years old, with seemingly having his whole life ahead of him, he chose to end his life. No one knows the emotional turmoil one must feel inside to take such drastic measures. We can only know that their suffering was more than they felt they could handle. The father of this young man has surprised us in that before this tragedy occurred, he wasn’t one to talk about his faith. However, the days following his son’s death, he has spoken of finding peace in the knowledge that he will be reunited with his son one day in Glory. This father is clinging to his faith to see him through one of the hardest times in his life.
THAT is what this movie is all about.
We can surely understand, as much as humanly possible without having endured a loss such as this, both father’s reactions above. The father that grew angry with God for allowing his daughter to pass is no less of a man than the father that was clinging to his faith to get him through losing his son. Both men are justified in their reactions, and it isn’t a sin to be mad at God. He can take it! He knows the heartbreak that this father felt, same as in the movie. Both fathers were hurting right down to the very core of their beings. And in the end, both fathers returned to their faith and to Jesus.
I encourage you to not only watch this movie but pray for those that have lost loved ones. This holiday season is really hard for those facing it without their precious loved ones. Hold them close to your hearts and pray for them at this time. May GOD comfort as only He can!
Many thanks to Universal Pictures Home Entertainment for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Momentum Influencers in the last 30 days, from the same blog, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.