With all of the things going on in the world today, one could predict that we are living in the end of times. Based on the scriptures in the book of Revelations, we can also see the signs as was prophesied years ago. The current events in the news today should be enough to get your attention so you can get your heart and life right with our Lord and Savior.
When I was a little girl growing up in the Pentecostal Holiness church, someone made reference to a book entitled The Rapture. I can remember reading every word, often times with wide eyes feeling a stir of fear in my heart based on what I was reading. This book talked about what would happen after the rapture takes place. The torture the individuals endured in this book horrified me, and yet the words written were not in an effort to scare you. Instead, it was to prepare you for what was ahead should you choose not to give your life to the Lord.
Recently, I was afforded the opportunity to watch a movie entitled Before The Wrath. This movie also made reference to the book of Revelations in the bible. The movie was produced to wake up the church!

The fact remains that no one here on earth knows the day or the hour that our Lord, Jesus Christ will return for His bride. Angels in Heaven do not know, even the Son of God does not know, but the one and only that does know is God, our Heavenly Father. While we may know the season is approaching due to events in the news and shocking things that are happening, there needs to be urgency within the people of the church to get the word out so lives will not be lost.
The problem we are facing today is that often times preachers don’t want to preach about fire and brimstone. Instead, they want to sugar coat the message and offer positive words of encouragement. This certainly leaves a feel good type of message with you long after the sermon has been heard. However, what we need to carry with us is the knowledge of what will happen should we choose NOT to accept the gift that has been offered to us all; the gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. Yes, the feel good type of messages are important, but it is more important to make an impression upon people so they can choose to accept Jesus into their Hearts. No matter how hard you try, you cannot remove the prophesy that is written in the bible. Therefore, you should not be selective in what you pick and choose to share about the gospel. Instead, all parts need to be shared so that one can make an informed decision about where they will spend eternity.
They need to know what is coming!
Sadly, there has been a great fall from truth. More than 80% that do know still choose not to believe all that is in the bible. The movie goes on to talk about how one out of four people don’t feel they belong to any religion. Only about 18% believe Jesus is coming back and that the world will end. There is a small portion of people looking at the headlines in the news and current events, taking notice of signs of the end times.
The scriptures have foretold what will happen.
In the last days, there will be a diminishing of believers, and there will even be those that mock the bible.
We have failed as a church, (and in church I do not mean a building but the believers in Christ). We have not been telling the world about Jesus as we should, nor have we been busy with doing our Father’s business here on earth! There are those that choose, instead, to detach from the Word of God. However,there is physical evidence to almost all that is written in the bible.
He will come as a thief in the night.

When the Father is ready for the Son’s return, on the Day of the Lord, He will come without warning! No one will know the day nor the hour, and His return will catch everyone by surprise.
When we all get bogged down in the cares of this life, it is easy to forget the job we have to do here on earth. We need to be sharing the gospel and news of His return to the unprepared world. We need to be deliberate and have an active part in the “wedding” when Jesus returns for His bride.
Don’t fall asleep as others have!
The bible makes reference to 10 bridesmaids waiting in the night with oils and lamps; however, only five had enough oil to sustain. Don’t be like those five with little oils in their lamps.
Only those that are prepared will quickly rise up to join Jesus when He returns. When the rapture takes place, when Jesus returns to collect His bride or His believers to join Him, will YOU be ready?
When the rapture takes place, believers in Christ will always be with Him. We will never be separated from Him. Let us be glad and rejoice, giving Him honor!
Yes, we are on this earth and traveling through, but this world is not our destination. We have all been chosen as the Bride of Jesus Christ, if we only accept the gift of eternal life and accept Him into our hearts!
The wrath that will come will be horrendous to those that will be left behind. There will be extreme torture once the righteous have been removed from the earth. God will pour out His wrath on those that have chosen NOT to accept the gift of eternal life.

Please, tell those that you love so they can get their hearts and lives right with God! It is our obligation as parents to tell our children about God!!
Pastors, tell your congregation!
Even the media should speak out and tell others what is to come to pass, should they not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
As followers of Christ, we should NOT remain quiet, especially now. Make the choice, then tell others so they can, too! We are the family of God!
Before the day of the wrath, before the feast begins, before the rapture takes place … before the thief comes in the night … you have a choice to make.
His cup has been offered to YOU.
Will you accept it?

I am praying for every one that will stumble upon my blog and read this post. I am praying that YOU will accept the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. All it takes is a simple prayer. Please … ask him into your heart! Believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day so we may have eternal life. Confess your sins and turn from them. And feel the joy of the Lord fill your life!
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Many thanks to Ingenuity Films for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, from the same blog, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.