As we were driving to school this morning, my daughter was in the backseat diligently studying for her bible test. Bible is the first subject of the day at her school, and every week they have a bible verse to memorize. That is one thing I absolutely love about the school that we chose for my daughter. It is a private Christian school where the students do not have to be afraid to pray like so many school aged children are today. The school WANTS you to pray, often times asking you to lead in prayer. They encourage God to be ever present and welcome at school on a daily basis! That is so refreshing!
Back to her bible verse.
She handed me her bible and began to recite verse after verse in Ephesians. I was quite impressed that the words flowed from her mouth so freely, never pausing to think of what came next. She just KNEW. I praised her for the excellent manner in which she recited the bible verse, and I sat there amazed at my child. She had a large bible verse to memorize, and she never skipped a beat from start to finish once she got started.
As I handed the bible back to her, I noticed the bible from her childhood days. While it is still in good condition, my thoughts immediately went to getting her a more grown up version of the bible. She is at an in between stage right now. She’s not a young child any more, but at 11 years old, she is not quite a teen. I think this is what they refer to as the “Tween” stage.
I came across the NIV Bible For Teen Girls, Growing In Faith Hope Love, New International Version. From the pretty green cover, to the words boldly printed “FAITH * HOPE * LOVE,” I knew that she would soon fall in love with this bible just as I had when I first laid my eyes on it.
Carefully opening the cover, on the “presented to” page was the bible verse:
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain:
Faith, Hope, and Love.
But the greatest of these is love.
As I flipped further through this bible, I found pages where it talked about women of the bible as well as different situations they may encounter. This bible will encourage them by the words God has given us all for our daily walks, but this bible will also support them and help them discover His will for there lives in all areas from family, guys, friends, work, and more.
One thing that caught my eye was the scriptures highlighted in pink. Those verses, I found, are God’s promises!
I am very excited to present this bible to my daughter this afternoon when I pick her up from school. I know she will be delighted, and her little face will light up as she opens the bible to read all about the goodness of God.
I’d like to offer you an opportunity to have a bible just like this for your daughter. Please enter the giveaway below!
A special “Thank You” to FlyBy Productions/Propeller for the opportunity to review this bible.
With recent events just this very week, it has been made painfully clear to me that it is time for me to loosen the grip. I have tried to allow my daughter to grow up and become independent. Yet, when she is in trouble or hurting, it is hard for me to sit back when I know that there is something that I can do to help her. Even if that is intervening, even when others would prefer that I didn’t.
By all accounts, she is an adult. She is 18 years old, has graduated from high school, and she has entered the work force. She is an adult! When situations arise, though, she doesn’t have the maturity to handle them, especially when there is conflict or confrontations involved. She would rather sit quietly while others carry on ranting and raving about her or pointing out her flaws and imperfections in her work. There comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself, but she is lacking in that one area because she hates a confrontation. I do, too, but I have spent way too many years with people running over me to allow it at this stage of the game. In time, she will gain the maturity, as well as the confidence, to stand up for herself especially when there are injustices being done.
This is where I am lacking … I am deficient when it comes to letting go and allowing my daughter to work it out. I know she won’t stand up for herself, and it hurts this mother’s heart to see her cowering in the corner over things that people are doing to her when she has a voice. She just needs to learn to USE it.
Mama bear comes out any time any one messes with her cubs. That is just how I am built, and I know the other mothers in our reading audience can relate to this 100%! I have spent 18 years fighting for and taking up for my daughter, and now … why should this be any different?
Oh … right …
She’s an … adult.
But to me, when she faced adversity this weekend and all throughout this week, when trouble was raging all around my beloved daughter … I looked into her eyes and saw my frightened little girl. My mother’s heart broke in a million pieces as I watched my daughter … tears spilling out of her eyelids and down her cheeks … and at that moment in time, I would do anything in my power to make it all better!
This is where I swoop in and get in the face of all those that try to do my daughter wrong. This is where I use my wings and swat at the ones threatening to steal my daughter’s peace of mind and sanity for that moment in time … this is where I fling my feathers at them causing them to back away from my daughter!
When the dust settles, she’s thankful that I had her back. She tells me … yet I wonder if I am doing an injustice to her as well by not allowing her to fight her own battles.
This letting go thing is HARD!
It is so difficult to allow her to take flight when she does not seem prepared. Yet, I know the time has come. It is here at last. It has finally arrived for my daughter.
A time to fly.
And I must watch from a distance as she stretches her wings and prepares to jump from the nest. As I hold my breath, I pray that the wind beneath her wings will catch her as she takes flight. And in that moment, I will proudly watch her soar.
Oh sure, I started out with it … but three hours later, I will admit that my patience had completely run out.
I had plans of a nice, relaxing evening lounging on the hammock by the pool playing with our black rescue kitten. I got to enjoy about 15 minutes of this before my oldest daughter came home insisting that she just HAD to go get a new phone RIGHT THAT MINUTE.
Apparently, her phone wouldn’t stay charged no matter what.
Now, if you have children, you KNOW that they are completely addicted to their phones, so asking her to wait ~GASPS OF HORROR~ until the next day was just absolutely out of the question. She was having it no other way. And, since she was on my account, I had to be there as the authorized account holder for anything to happen tonight.
As much as I protested, she insisted … and I gave in.
Three hours later we are STILL inside the wireless store because they could not get the transaction to go through on swapping out the phones. Believe me, I WISH I was exaggerating about the three hours, but sadly, I AM NOT!
Frustration was mounting.
My husband joined us, as did our youngest daughter, and we had not eaten a thing yet. There we were, all of us, stuck inside the wireless store. What was the latest problem you might ask? NOW they had turned her phone off under my account and were trying to activate her under a new account – since she’s an adult now and wanted her own plan/bill/etc.
We sat there waiting for them to resolve this. Some how, some way, we needed a resolution. Either get the authorization for the new account under her name … or put her back on my account and reactivate the phone.
Lord only knows what my next bill will look like after all the changes tonight. They’ve reassured me that they’d take care of any extra charges. We will see about that.
We finally decided to run down the road to get supper while we waited for them to work the problems out on their end. We left my oldest daughter there tending to her new account and new phone – look at her adult-ing!!!!
Wouldn’t you know it – as luck would have it, they LOST our order at the restaurant as we sat there waiting. Everyone else behind us had gotten their food, and yet … there we stood … still waiting.
Oh Lordy!
We waited .. and all the while I had to try to find humor in this as I recalled looking over the prompt words preparing to write my daily post … what was the prompt word? PATIENCE!!!!
~uncontrollable laughter~
Once they finally realized there was a problem and we hadn’t received our order, they went back there to personally make the meals themselves. And then we were on the way back to my oldest daughter who was still stuck at the wireless store.
You’d think that would be the end. Right? That when I arrived, I would find her standing outside the wireless store happily talking on or using her new device. Right?
They STILL had problems, so back inside we went to wait for them to finish and wrap things up after they got the issues fixed.
We walked out of the wireless store trying not to jump up and down on each other’s nerves due to our frustration with the situation — but not with each other! Honestly, our patience had worn thin hours ago. We were spent, exhausted, beyond tired and aggravated.
Patience? I HAD NONE at that point!
What did I do to remain calm throughout this time period? Honestly, I will have to say that I did a LOT of deep breathing exercises. And … I prayed silently to myself, probably not as much as I should have to be able to remain calm. But, I tried … HARD … literally for hours!
In the mist of this, her boyfriend texted me. I’ll admit that with everything going on, I was frazzled! He listened to my rant via text message, added a little rant of his own, and things started to feel a little better on my end as I released a little of the steam that was building between my ears!
With the week we’ve had … trouble with my daughter’s employer … problems with so called “friends” … problems with a pastor’s wife, nonetheless … oh yes … it’s Tuesday, and I can say that I have had quite enough!
Tomorrow will be another day, and we’ll try again on that leisurely evening of laying in the hammock with my little black rescue cat.
Thursday night things were wonderful as my family and I visited the county fair. I watched my oldest daughter practically floating on Cloud Nine. She smiled, she laughed, she was herself again.
I was thankful.
Friday came and the winds begin to blow in our direction. Heavy gusts that almost caused us to lose our footing. They were so powerful as there was a storm brewing.
Heavy rains came in on Friday night shaking us and creating fear and doubt. Saturday, the storm was here with full force as we tried to take cover.
The emotional storms of life catch us so off guard. We can be sailing right on through life just having the best time ever when all of a sudden BOOM … lightning crashes, thunder rolls … and you’re holding on and taking shelter the best way you know how from the storms of life.
You try to talk it out – talking always helps. Yet, in this case, the person is non responsive. They clam up, unwilling to help when they have the power to do so. Unwilling to help ease your mind in the mist of the storm.
And you feel tossed in the eye of the storm.
It whirls around, causing destruction …
That is what not communicating will do. When you’re in the middle of conflict and the other person refuses to talk or refuses to help – destruction is sure to follow leaving debris in its path.
This is what we encountered.
Sunday we tried to let it go and let God take over. We offered up our concerns to God in prayer, cupping our hands and handing it over to Him.
Take it, God. It’s yours.
Monday came, and the storms raged on for my darling daughter. Tossed to and fro, her mother could stand in the wings no longer. She had to throw a life preserver. She scrambled any way she knew how to save her daughter in the mist of the storm.
And yet, she is only one person. She hopes to make a difference. She tries with all of her might. Anything for her daughter.
Waiting now for the storm to pass. Trusting God in the mist of it all. Knowing that He will see us through even the worst aftermath of the storm.
With hectic schedules, meetings to attend and carting children to different activities, some times we just need to carve out a time to rest. Otherwise, we will simply wear ourselves out.
This used to be my life. I used to run myself ragged going here and there, doing for every one, and participating in every thing. It began to take its toll, and finally I decided that it was okay to bow out of some things. I also learned not to over commit myself, and I learned the value of saying, “No!”
I let myself off the hook. I took the pressure off. And I allowed myself to just … be.
Taking on less is really a blessing. It frees you up for the important things, like spending quality time with your family.
I realized several years ago that while we were busy going, doing, and being involved in almost everything, we were missing out on valuable time together as a family. Yes, we were involved in a lot of good and wonderful things with our church, but we attended different meetings and activities … separately. We would go into the church building as a family but soon split up to go our separate ways for the morning, afternoon, or evening activities. Now that I have freed up our schedule, we are able to do things together as a family.
Take today for an example. Off we went on a little adventure to a plantation to explore all the Halloween goodness they had in store. On the drive there, my family and I were able to listen to music together and sing along to our favorite songs. Once we arrived, we sought out fun things to do like the big inflatable slide that my daughter loved or the hayride through the haunted forest that we also enjoyed together.
Our weekends used to be just as busy as our weeks were, but now we are able to make resting and relaxing a priority. Although we were on the go today traveling to the plantation, we were spending quality time together enjoying each other’s company in the great outdoors.
“Mom!” she yells from the living room as she continues, “Let’s goooooo!”
My 11 year old is ready for an adventure this afternoon, but it isn’t just any ole adventure. She is ready for some Halloween fun!
I imagine we’ll begin with the corn maze adventure. This is where we will surely get lost and have to call for assistance from those looking down from their hideaway spots at all of us below scurrying around like ants after someone has stepped in their bed. Here and there we’ll go, unsure of the way out, and finally we’ll laugh, look up, and say, “Help!” Then they will give hints on which way we should go to finally see the exit! We will run as fast as we can, with great relief, and vow to never do that again … until next year!
My husband isn’t a big fan of corn mazes, by the way.
Next up, I’m sure, will be the duck races. My daughter likes the old fashioned pumps. You have to use both of your hands to pump, pump, pump water into a PVC pipe that has been cut in half. You’ll see the little yellow duck as it gets pushed further down the pipe with every pump you provide.
I can just see her running to the long, high-in-the-sky slide, too! She loves going through the black tunnel exclaiming, “Weeeeee ….” the entire way down! She’ll land at the end with this huge smile spread across her face and say, “I want to do it again!” And … she will.
Then we’ll end up in the pumpkin patch to find THE perfect pumpkin to take home with us. Pumpkin carving is a must this time of year. And so we will pick the perfect pumpkin, carve it, and display for all of our visitors to see … right there on the steps of the front porch. Yes … we … will!
They also have the neatest, largest inflatable “horses” that you can climb up on. In order to get your horse to walk, though, you have to use your legs to push yourself up and then bounce around the track. That was THE most fun when we went before! We had the best time laughing about how silly we looked, especially when one of us bounced too hard and ended up falling off of our “horse.”
OH and let’s not forget the horse swings offered, too!
What could be better than all of this Halloween fun? A hay ride and then topping it off with hot, freshly boiled peanuts … yum!! That is a must in the South!
Ah yes, she is ready for an adventure that begins in ….
I awoke to more news about the devastating effects of the flood in South Carolina. As the rain water that caused the rivers to overflow and the dams to breach in the upper part of the state now travel down to the low country, people are really concerned and are bracing for the worst!
In the mist of all of this, I hear the beautiful hymn “Trust and Obey” in my mind.
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will, He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly drives it away; Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear, Can abide while we trust and obey.
Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, But our toil He doth richly repay; Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross, But is blessed if we trust and obey.
But we never can prove the delights of His love Until all on the altar we lay; For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, Are for them who will trust and obey.
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet, Or we’ll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do, where He sends we will go; Never fear, only trust and obey.
Words from a friend filled with anxiety and worry as she talks about the flood waters coming our way …
An email from another friend expressing her concern over her fellow South Carolinians and the devastating effects of the flood …
A desire to help our neighbors in towns surrounding us that were hit a lot harder than we were …
And so … we trust that God will not give us more than we can bear, although it feels like it to some at this point, I’m sure. They have such damage to their homes yet the insurance companies are denying claims since we’re not in a flood zone so coverage wasn’t added to the policies. I hope that the federal funds coming will help since Obama declared South Carolina in a state of emergency.
Trusting in God … and obeying … for we feel the need to donate monies to help with the relief efforts.
Our equestrian ministries decided this morning to donate funds to the South Carolina Awareness and Rescue For Equines, Inc. A lot of horses had to be rescued in this, too. (Please click here to read about one of the rescues that has taken place with the horses.) Often times when one thinks of rescues, it is of human beings, but animals were left behind in cases where it could not be helped while others tried with all of their might to get their horses out in time. It’s a very sad situation. Thankfully here, our horses were spared from all of the devastating effects of the flood. While they were standing in mud up to their knees at one point before we could move them, I just thank God that it wasn’t any worse and that we had the means to move them to drier land!
Please continue to pray for South Carolina as we try to make it through the last part of the threat of flooding this weekend. Then, keep the prayers coming as people try to rebuild their lives.
August offered more than record temperatures in the South. It brought with it the opportunity to visit Indiana with my daughter. While we were there, we went to visit the purple fields of wonder known as the Willowfield Lavender Farm.
We had the chance to talk to the owner, and he told us that the lavender farm received a tremendous amount of rain in July. Although there was some lavender to be seen, it wasn’t as lush as the picture above at that time. He was gracious enough to allow me to take a picture of what it normally would look like, though.
As I walked around his gift shop full of lavender scented items, I pretended I was in the mist of the fields at that moment admiring what would normally be the beautiful sea of purple pictured above and below.
Lavender is naturally soothing, and I felt as if every ounce of stress I ever had just floated away during the time I spent at the lavender farm. It was peaceful as we explored the trail behind the rows of lavender. We ventured further around the bend than we probably should have before turning back, but the adventurous side of me longed to go where it was prohibited. Wishing not to get into trouble though, or become overtaken by the gnats that were buzzing in our ears, we decided to turn back and return to the lavender field.
They had a gazebo there eloquently placed, of course, as lots of weddings are held there every year. While I certainly wasn’t in any fancy clothes, I did wish to have my picture taken right there in the gazebo. My friend was more than happy to capture the moment and share the pictures with me.
As you have probably noticed with the colors of our site here, we are quite fond of the color purple with lavender being our favorite! Imagine our delight when we found the purple fields of wonder!
During my Freshmen year of high school, I met a tall, dark, and handsome young man at my friend’s house. He rode with her boyfriend over to her house that afternoon, and that was when we were first introduced. Both of us were shy back then so hardly a word was spoken, but we were secretly checking each other out.
By the end of the night, numbers were exchanged, and he began calling my house. Still as shy as ever, though, he had very little to say when he would call.
Months went by, but I never forgot this young man.
When I was with another of my friends, she was inviting her boyfriend over so I called him. Much to my surprise, he raced over to see me that night. It appeared that he dropped everything, and later he told me that he did, indeed, race over to see me as he got a speeding ticket on the way. Oh my!
I remember sitting under the stars that night on the hood of his 1969 Camaro. It had a dull white paint job at that point, and to be honest, I was not too excited about the sports car. It just looked like an old fixer upper to me.
Later that evening, more friends arrived and we went riding around with them. This young man and I held hands for the first time, and that night I had my very first kiss.
I have fond memories of our time together. I also remember going to school and writing his name all over my notebooks. I’m sure all school girls have done that with their “crush.”
Being incredibly shy again without much to talk about, and seeming as if we didn’t have much in common back then, we went our separate ways in life. My thoughts would wander back to him from time to time, and one year I saw in the newspaper that his grandmother passed away. I sent a card to him offering my condolences.
The years went by, and we both went on with our lives. I got married and had a beautiful baby girl. Sadly, that marriage ended in divorce due to my ex husband’s infidelities. And I vowed never to love again. The heartache and pain just was not worth it.
Until …
In the mist of all of the chaos that divorce brings, when I felt so low, so down, and so unloved …
This gentlemen was thinking of me as evident by a letter he wrote and mailed to the only address he knew for me, my parent’s address.
One evening, my parents and I were talking on the phone when my mom mentioned “some letter” I received at their address. They gave it to me the next time we were together, and much to my surprise … it was from my tall, dark, and handsome “first love.”
It appeared that as my thoughts wandered to him through the years, he, too, was thinking of me!
I held the letter in my hands for a long time before deciding whether to write him back. I told myself that it would just be light conversation and nothing would come of this.
Over the next couple of weeks, we would share more handwritten letters through the mail before exchanging email addresses and ultimately phone numbers.
I was very honest with him and upfront about the divorce I was going through. I’m sure he did not want to hear it, but I was honest with him, too, about my lack of desire of getting anything started with any one ever again! Yet, he hung around. He continued to call and pursue me despite my trying to discourage him from doing so. There were many conversations with him that began with him just checking on me, but my ex husband had just pulled another of his stunts that upset me so I had zero desire to be with another man at that point or EVER! This man would laugh as I ranted with him on the phone, and then say that he’d try me back another day.
And … he did.
He pursued me for two years! Now tell me, wouldn’t anyone else have lost interest by then? I would think so! But, not him!
One day after my divorce was final, he called to ask if I would go on a date with him. Feeling as if I was launching my “anti-man campaign” all over again, I declined.
Do you think he gave up? Nope!
I would check my mail box to find a random card that he sent because he was “thinking of me.” Or, flowers would be delivered to my office “just because.” There was even a time that he made me a key lime pie – now who does that ladies?? No one but this man! What’s bad is that I opened the door to find him standing there with his arms stretched out holding the jewel that was my pie, and I said thank you as I quickly took the pie and closed the door not allowing him to come inside!
Even still, he would give me a little space then come back around. I remember asking my dad WHY wouldn’t this man just give up? My dad said that this guy obviously knew a good thing when he saw it — thanks, Daddy, but you’re supposed to say that! 🙂
When I would talk to my mom about it, she would get this look on her face, smile, and say, “You’re going to marry him one day.” I would protest LOUDLY … and she would just laugh.
Then one day, he asked me why I would not give him a chance. Truth be told, I was devastated by the divorce. A man that promised to love me and my daughter forever threw us in the trash when he went to another woman. That pain, that devastation, that heartache wasn’t something I could easily get over. I certainly wasn’t interested in getting back into a situation where I would give my heart to someone for it to be broken so I resisted as much as I possibly could! I wanted no part of “love.” Ah, but love is a beautiful thing, and it will surprise you when you least expect it!
He was practically begging me at one point, “I just want you to know who I am …” he said. I shook my head not willing to allow it. Then he asked if I would listen to the song, “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. Back then, I was not a big fan, but I decided to give it a listen … and I am so glad I did. The chorus of that song really got to me, and I realized that I had not given him a fair chance. I had not gotten to know him, truly know him and invest in him like he was trying to invest in me.
I weakened …
That song spoke to my heart and softened it. The words of that song forced those walls to come tumbling down, and at that moment … I decided to let him into my world.
We married two years later. My mom was RIGHT! I DID end up marrying him after all!
Although we have had some struggles along the way and have had to deal with things that most couples never encounter, we will be celebrating 13 years together at the end of the month! We now have TWO beautiful girls – he took my daughter from my first marriage in as his very own, and God blessed us with another daughter two years after we were married!
I have come to know in my heart that love truly is a beautiful thing!
(And would you believe that he KEPT the letter I sent after his grandma’s passing? He still has it to this very day! And that 1969 Camaro I mentioned? We drive it to the classic car club that we are now members of! Things just have a way of working out if we let them … don’t they? 🙂 )
In the documentary Finding Noah, we learned about how many explorers have been inspired to look for the mystery of finding Noah’s ark. All throughout history we find evidence of facts in the bible, mysteries, eye witness accounts, and conspiracies.
The mountain believed to be preserving Noah’s ark is Mount Ararat, and it is especially challenging. The geography is a monumental life threatening trek, and the area is controlled by may apposing countries which pose a threat to anyone considering embarking this journey. The story leads you to an exploration team that is determined to find Noah’s Ark by using their different backgrounds, latest technology, and knowledge.
It makes you wonder if something is even possible as to building such a gigantic vessel that housed so many animal species. My personal view point is that it very much can be spiritually valid for Noah to receive the Holy Spirit and Obey Gods word by undertaking this task of constructing this vessel and gathering all the animals to prepare for a flood.
From an engineering standpoint, there is significant evidence of being able to design and build a floating barn that would be water tight and float. The knowledge of shipbuilding was there, the construction methods and tools were available, and the manpower to undertake this task is very much conceivable.
This documentary movie gets you to challenge your possible disbelief into a search for Truth and evidence in history which supports Fact found in nature based on the written Word of GOD.
For more information on this movie, please click here for Finding Noah.
A special thanks to Flyby Productions/Propeller for allowing me access to a pre-screening in exchange for my non biased review.
This post, review, and opinion is that of Dusty, Shirley’s husband, who has an engineering background.
This is one of my favorite topics that I never talk about.
I was recently sent a link to an article about someone who had “fallen out of love” with their significant other. After reading through some of turmoil this person went through, they made the point that they had decided to “choose to love” their partner.
I sat and thought about that; choosing to love someone. That is one of the things that has always resonated with me about Jesus’ teaching; we should love one another. There are different types of love. We love are friends and family. But then there are certain people that touch us in a way as to heighten the feeling of love. They affect us in such a way as to reach into the depths of our heart and warm our souls. That is a very rare and special feeling. I just don’t believe you can get that from “choosing” to love someone.
I have often wondered why we “fall in love” with certain people. I have always thought that it was some message from God saying that we should be a special part in someone else’s life; whether or not they feel the same way about us. Love is a gift from God that should be cherished and given back to the world.
I had to step away today for a little while. Being glued to my television set for days on end watching the devastation unfold with the massive flooding in South Carolina really took a toll on me. If I wasn’t watching the news non stop, I was checking Facebook like crazy to see if there were any new updates or pictures.
It is hard to watch this taking place with your fellow neighbors in towns that we love to visit and explore. And now … there is so much wide spread destruction until we’re not sure if there will be anything to visit and explore for some time to come.
Even in the mist of this storm, we find comfort in the knowledge that all things are possible with God. Despite the dam breaches, despite the evacuations, despite the people filling up the shelters … God is able to turn all of this destruction around for something good to come out of it.
I hear you asking, “What good could possibly come from THIS?”
Consider the neighbors helping neighbors. Consider strangers risking their lives for others that are stranded and in trouble. Consider the people coming from states away to help in the emergency relief efforts. There are those working to collect water for those that do not have drinking water at this time. Despite the mass destruction from the flooding in South Carolina, you find, once again, fellow South Carolinians pulling together to help each other out.
What you don’t see happening is looting, burning, or riots. Thank GOD for people in South Carolina reaching out to help those in need.
God CAN take something awful and turn it into something that brings tears to our eyes. As we watched all of this unfold over the past few days, we were glued to our television sets in complete horror. And yet, God is giving each person in South Carolina the strength to get through this. It feels harder than any of us can bear to watch this and be caught in the mist of it.
We are one of the lucky ones as our area wasn’t hit that hard compared with other areas around us. There is flooding in town, and roads going into town have been blocked off due to lots of flooding as the river rose today. The back roads were closed off as well until a few hours ago. They have reopened them, and we hope they remain open so we are not completely closed off from being able to get into town for essentials.
We are clinging to the promises of God. There was pictures surfacing on Facebook with people asking if they needed to build an ark. God promised never to flood the earth like that again, and although it was bad here for a while, we were clinging to His promises.
The sun will come out again.
The flood waters will not remain.
People will be able to gain federal assistance to rebuild all they lost in the flood.
Lives will be put back together.
We are alive.
We have our families.
And God is going to help each and every victim of this flooding. He is right there in the mist of all of this – standing strong by our sides helping us through this horrific time.