A historic event is taking place right here, right now. South Carolina is our home, and it is so hard to see the images posted all over the news and Facebook. There is so much damage and destruction due to widespread flooding in the entire state of South Carolina.
Thursday the entire state was put on notice that bad weather was headed our way. When once we were worried about the hurricane that was quickly approaching, the reality is that the hurricane did not cause all of the flooding that has taken over our state.
Although we had advance warning, I am sure the majority of the people did not believe the forecast. When my family and I took the warning seriously and stocked up on things like gas for all of our vehicles, food, and water, others did not heed the warning.
Charleston was completely under water Saturday. It was hard to watch the news coverage where places we frequented were under water. We watched as high tide forced waters over the rail at The Battery and flooded Battery Park. Immediately my thoughts turned to when Hurricane Hugo came through in 1989. There’s even a picture hanging in my living room entitled “The Storm” of that night.

Columbia, unfortunately, had a turn with all of the flooding Sunday. Again, we watched in horror as Governor Haley had a news conference practically begging people to stay off of the roads as they were unsafe, and yet there were still people venturing out in those conditions. I’ll admit that I get a little hot under the collar myself. One of my Facebook friends posted that they had to get to Florence for work this week. I immediately shared with her the things coming up in my newsfeed which indicated it was completely unsafe to travel. Yet, she got in her car a little while later and tried to make her way through. It took her four hours to get through what normally takes an hour travel time, and she still was not able to make it to her destination. She was told to pull over and was able to get the very last hotel room so she would be safe for the night. Later she got on Facebook talking about how she was freaking out when she was trying to drive in those conditions and still upset that she was now stranded in this hotel. I’m sorry, but she should have heeded the warning and just stayed home! We have heard of nine fatalities at this time, seven of which could have been prevented if they had just listened and stayed HOME! This isn’t just me saying this, Governor Haley, as well as newscasters have stated this as well.
Monday, as I sit here writing, the rain is still falling outside my window. I am one of the lucky ones, though, that has not had any significant damage at my house. Believe me, I am so thankful to God above to live right where I live out in the country on somewhat of a hill. The newscaster just said we have had between one to two feet fall from the sky this weekend, and yet, there’s more rain falling.
Our little town has all but shut down as bridges are flooded and major roads are impassible. Even still, there are “thrill seekers” going out to look, take pictures, and really are putting themselves in harm’s way. I just want to scream, “STAY HOME!” and yet I know that if they will not listen to Governor Haley and the South Carolina Highway Patrol, they surely will not listen to little ole me.
There’s concern that hospitals may have to be evacuated. They are without water, but the fire department is pumping thousands of gallons of water into the building. Our Governor is calling the fire department “Angels.” They are! All emergency personnel are angels in my eyes. They are the ONLY ones that should be out there in all of this.
Please, if you are reading this, pray for the entire State of South Carolina as we try to recover from this historic flooding event.
Videos/Pictures of flooding in South Carolina: