From all of us here at Light Love Hope, we wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
As you gather around your table for the big feast today, think of those that may be struggling at this time of year. Pray for them and lift them up before our Father in Heaven.
Be sure to thank God for all of your many blessings in life. God has been so good to us and has blessed us all much more than we deserve. Yes, there will be trials and struggles in this life. But, God will never leave you nor forsake you. Rest in that comfort and reassurance.
If you haven’t already done so, think of all of the things that you are thankful for – write them down if you would like to have something to reflect back on later after Thanksgiving Day has passed. Take time to thank God and show your gratitude for the multitude of blessings that He pours out into our lives. Then, keep on doing this long after the holiday has come and gone. Better yet, keep that attitude of gratitude all year through!
Blessings to you and your family from all of us at Light Love Hope!
The world is so quick to tell us that something is wrong with us and that we are deeply flawed. But, you know what? They are wrong. God formed us with His own hands, and we are exactly as God intended for us to be. Each and every one of us have unique gifts that God has given to us, and it is up to us how we use them and if we do so to glorify and honor Him. When we do so, I believe that God smiles a very wide smile indicating that He is well pleased.
When we stop fighting all that the world tells us that we are not and focus on all that God says we are, we will truly be content with ourselves in this life.
With that thought in mind, I have begun to explore all the wonderful things that God says about me in His word. In doing so, I thought what better way than to document this journey as all writers would do. I’m sure you can imagine my excitement when I received the Becoming Myself journal, and already I can tell that this little jewel will be a constant companion.
In this day and age where we have every gadget and piece of technology you could possibly imagine, it is refreshing still to me to pick up that pen and a crisp, clean piece of paper to write until my little heart is content. Writing is a passion of mine, and truth be told, it is a form of therapy as well. I enjoy writing so much, and it is wonderful to be able to type your thoughts out on the computer. However, there is just something about putting my thoughts down on paper that seem to give them more meaning at times. There is just something about jotting your thoughts down as they come to you. It seems to mean so much more when you take time and are intentional with every journal entry that you make. With every stroke of your pen, your thoughts have a way of flowing freely through you and helping you to reason and analyze along the way.
What is so special about this little journal is that it has passages of scriptures as well as quotes from Stasi Eldredge’s book. These offer plenty of opportunity to reflect on what she has offered within the pages of this journal alone, or it can go hand in hand with her book. That is what I like so much about this little journal is that just because she has written a book doesn’t necessarily mean you have to use it together as it’s perfectly fine as a standalone journal with scriptures and quotes to get you thinking. And in doing so, before you know it, you begin again by pouring your heart out on the pages of this journal.
Stasi certainly has provided thought provoking quotes all on becoming the person God intended for you to be. Just be open to what she is offering to you and allow them to speak to your heart as well. She writes beautifully as evident by the quotes within the pages of this journal, and her words are full of reassurance of God’s unconditional love, mercy, and grace that He extends and has for us ALL. The truths that she shares reaches into your heart and speaks to your soul.
Truly embrace God’s dream of you … become the woman God created you to be!
Becoming Myself can be found at your local Family Christian Store, and it is also available online.
I see you there. Sitting in the corner of the restaurant hoping that no one will notice you as you pretend to look through your phone while you avoid eye contact. A true introvert, no doubt. You’re not anti-social, you just choose to quietly observe the goings-on around you. Soaking it all in, yet often times getting overwhelmed by the increased noise level as children become restless or coworkers laugh loudly at the next table.
Then there’s the ones that long to be the center of attention, often cracking jokes to make those around laugh wildly. Not necessarily full of yourself, rather, you’re just an outgoing individual hoping this facade will hide the pain inside.
And like Kate’s post on writing and pouring your hearts out, all of my fellow bloggers sit wondering if they’re making a difference or reaching anyone out there. There is a famous saying, “Build it and they will come,” but I say, “Write it and they will come …” They will. Rest assured. They may not come in masses, but that is okay, too! I feel down deep within my soul that if I reach one person – if only one person stumbles upon my site and finds the information that it contains beneficial – if it helps to turn one life, one heart, and one soul to God above – it is completely and totally worth it! If I ever feel like no one cares what I have to say, I turn my focus on God and know that HE cares. He’s watching, He’s reading, and He’s often times giving me the words that I write. If I ever get down about the lack of comments on posts on my blog or on my Facebook page, I am comforted in the fact that I pour myself out to my readers in hopes that they will come, that they will take something that I’ve said with them to ponder throughout their day and that maybe, just maybe I’ve made a difference in their lives in some small way. To me, it’s not about hundreds of comments, although I appreciate every single person that takes the time to post a comment, it’s important for me to get the words out in hopes to help someone out there that may need exactly what God has spoken to my heart to write on that particular day. If I help one person, it will all be worth it!
This post was inspired by the prompt word of Notice for this edition of Five Minute Friday.
The countdown is on. The week ahead will consist of everyone finalizing their Thanksgiving menus as well as their travel plans. They will gather with family and friends for the big Thanksgiving feast with plenty of leftovers!
And then … it will happen.
Black Friday Shopping.
Immediately following the day in which we all give thanks for all of our blessings, we hit the stores to snatch up those bargains.
But, is it truly worth it?
Sure, you may get through the massive crowds of people to get a few dollars off of this or that, or maybe there will be really huge discounts. However, do we all really need to do this?
I’ll be honest and say that my family and I decided to see what all the hype was about last year. With several stores opening at midnight, we decided to venture out in the middle of the night in the crisp, cold air only to find an extremely long line wrapped completely around our mall. It didn’t take us long to realize that this just was not for us! So, we turned our car around and headed back to our house! I did check out a few items online, and the store with the long lines waiting outside actually had the same deals online! To me, it was worth just ordering with a few clicks of my mouse and having it delivered to my home instead of fighting that crowd!
I guess the real problem I have with all of this is the fact that the holidays are supposed to be about spending time with the ones that you love, NOT the deals you can snatch up or from each other in the stores. People actually get angry with each other, and we’ve all heard horror stories of fights breaking out in the store over the last hot item as everyone wanted it but only one lucky person was able to get to it first.
I realize that you don’t want your children to wake up on Christmas Day without any presents, so it is important to shop. I do understand that. I just don’t want the true meaning of this holiday season to be lost, and sadly, it gets to be more about material things than family, friends, loved ones, and all of God’s blessings in our lives.
As I walked through a medical building yesterday, I noticed that they already had it decked out with a huge Christmas tree, garland and bows on the railings going up the stairs, and wreaths hanging on doors. Then, upon entering a store, they seemed to bypass Thanksgiving altogether and focused solely on Christmas with deals marked every where and even Christmas tunes playing!
And speaking of Black Friday again, one of my Facebook friends asked if she was the only one that hasn’t already started decorating for Christmas. No, she’s not. My family and I haven’t, and we won’t … until the day after Thanksgiving. We want to give this holiday all we have – making sure to give thanks for all of our many blessings. We intend on savoring this holiday. Then, when everyone else is trampling over each other on Black Friday, my family and I will get our Christmas decorations down to begin decorating. We like to put on Christmas music and everyone picks their favorite decoration to add to the Christmas tree. With hot chocolate in hand, we step back to look at our beautiful tree with all of the bright lights and sparkling ornaments, and then we put in a movie and snuggle together.
This is what it’s all about – quality time spent together! Let’s have more of that and less focus on material things this holiday season.
As we enter into the holiday season with snow beginning to fall and temperatures dropping even in the South, we prepare for our Thanksgiving feast and then Christmas festivities shortly thereafter. When we’re supposed to be filled with holiday cheer, the truth is that a lot of people are dreading the holidays. Either they are fighting depression, are in the mist of a crisis, or they do not have any family to gather with during the holiday season. There are a whole list of reasons why people are not in the holiday spirit and actually end up dreading this time of year!
Will you take time to remember them? The ones that feel like they have lost hope? The ones with no cheer left within their hearts and souls right now? The ones that are struggling to put their feet on the floor in the mornings and pull themselves out of bed to greet the day?
Some hide it so well that you’d never truly know that they dislike the holiday season. They will force a smile, hum a Christmas song, all the while they feel like they are dying inside.
Maybe they are like so many that have lost loved ones this year. Maybe they will have one vacant seat at the dinner table this year, or maybe, like in our case, there will be several vacant seats when our family gathers around after having lost my sister, granddaddy, and grandma in years past. Along with the empty chairs are hearts that feel as if they have holes in them as they miss their loved ones so much that memories of holidays past leave trails of tears streaming down their cheeks.
The truth is that not everyone feels like celebrating. Some would even like to hibernate, if that were even an option, until after the first of the year.
Will you take time to remember those individuals in prayer? Will you silently speak to God on their behalf asking Him to wrap His loving arms around them?
God, provide them comfort as only You can, Father. They need you …
This post was inspired by the prompt word of Truth for this edition of Tuesday at Ten.
Okay, so maybe not just yet, but pretty soon we all will be surrounded by Christmas tunes … in the car, in the stores, in the restaurants … Christmas tunes every where!!!
That is not a problem for me, though, as I love Christmas music! I have actually already started playing mine in the comfort of my own home.
I was so excited to receive the Celtic Ladies Christmas CD in the mail from Family Christian! I immediately put it in the CD player and turned it up to enjoy! They have been a long time favorite of mine, and I could think of none better to get me in the Christmas spirit than these ladies!
There were some familiar songs as well as some that I hadn’t heard before, but each and every song was sung so eloquently and was simply beautiful. My ten year old daughter joined in on the tunes that were familiar to her, and we had a great time singing together. My 17 year old daughter came dancing into the room doing moves that she learned in ballet a few years ago. I’ll take that as a sign that she enjoyed it as well. 🙂 I can see us playing this CD a lot throughout the upcoming Christmas Season!
If you’re looking for a special CD to play as you’re gathered around the Christmas tree this year or as you’re wrapping all of the presents prior to Christmas day, I highly recommend this one! You and your family will be blessed by these ladies and the message that they bring forth through song, especially the old familiar Christmas hymns. I especially love What Child Is This, Silent Night, and O Holy Night.
Can you tell I’m excited about the upcoming holiday season?
We visited with our dear friend, Debbie, this weekend. We have returned home with heavy hearts now more than ever after seeing her in the condition that she is in. It is truly heart breaking.
Debbie was so full of life in September as she showed us around her town. And now, she lays in that hospital bed with her head drooping somewhat to her right side as the cancer has taken away her ability to walk and to control her neck now. Her right arm is paralyzed according to her husband, while she tries with all of her might to use her left arm and hand.
An adjustable hospital bed was delivered to Debbie’s home Friday, and she tried Friday night to get it into a comfortable position. There’s no such thing, according to her, now, though. Nevertheless, she would send that bed all the way up as high as the setting would allow toward the ceiling just to move it back down again. She would press those buttons with all of her might, and she would find temporary relief for her legs. She’d move it to another position within minutes. At other times, she would adjust the head of the bed to provide some support for her neck. We bought a travel pillow to place around her neck to help offer some support. She didn’t like it at first, but she accepted it back after a few minutes. Later, she had it removed again and used rolled up towels to steady her neck. Then she’d go back to adjusting the bed – the only thing she probably feels like she can control at this point.
My heart hurts for this lady. She is only 60 years old. While that may sound old to some, it is so young in my eyes. She is supposed to have so many more years here on this earth, and yet, she is slowly slipping away.
Her husband, Ray, has been caring for her, and his love and devotion shines through. They married just after Debbie turned 18, according to Ray, and they have been married now for 42 years. That is just amazing! But to see him in action, how he dotes on Debbie and would do anything in the world to take her pain away … it grabs you right there in the heart. That is love! Ray took his marriage vows very seriously as he’s doing all he can with the strength that he has to care for his wife. The roles were reversed a few short years ago as Ray was having health issues, and Debbie was right there by his side throughout the entire ordeal. She took care of her man, and now he is taking care of her. It warmed my soul to see him in action this weekend and to see the love in his eyes as he spoke of being married to her. He began to tear up as she told us that she had declined rapidly in the 12 hours before we arrived on Friday.
There truly are no words to describe what is happening to our dear friend, and yet here I sit as I want others to know about this precious lady and to uplift her in their prayers. She needs it now more than ever.
Just a few short months ago, we were laughing and having the absolute best time with our friends. Now we fight back tears as we update each other or receive updates from the family. We did get Debbie to smile this weekend, and her husband said that she hasn’t done that in a very long time. We started cracking jokes about how Debbie tried to keep us all straight, and that was a job in itself! She smiled, and it warmed our hearts. I tried harder then to find something else to crack a joke about to help lift her spirits, and there it was again. That sweet smile that formed across Debbie’s lips. Although she’s weak, she is still very “with it” and keeps up on the conversation. It may take her a bit to respond now as she forms her thoughts and concentrates to get them out, but she is still very much aware even so much as to offer a phone number when her daughter needed to contact her aunt! We were very impressed with that one!
Oh Debbie. Sweet Debbie.
I took the opportunity every chance that I could this weekend to tell her that I love her. I repeated myself, but THAT, my friends, NEEDS to be repeated! I don’t know if I’ll get the chance again to hold her hand, look into her eyes, and say, “I love you, lady!” I hope. I pray. But it is all in God’s hands.
Debbie was surrounded by her daughter and granddaughters, as well as her husband and her aunt, as we went to leave to travel back to our house. That house was packed to the rim with love, pure love!
Please, if you can right where you are, stop reading for a moment and offer up prayers for our dear friend, Debbie. Please also pray for all of the cancer patients that are struggling right now. We don’t have to call them all by name, as it would be impossible as there are people all over the world inflicted with this. God knows their names and their situations as we cover them all with prayer.
Cancer has touched my family in the last seven years – in my mom and in my dad. We pray over them all the time that they will continue to be cancer free after their surgeries. We are so thankful for the treatment that they sought and want to encourage you – all of the readers – please don’t neglect your health. IF you notice anything out of the ordinary, get in to see a doctor as soon as you can. I only wish Debbie had done so sooner.
Prayer warriors … unite!
We know that God could perform a miracle for Debbie right now if that was His will and His plan. In the event that it is not, though, we pray that Debbie will not have to struggle and be in pain. We don’t want to lose Debbie, but we know that she is suffering at this time. They were giving her morphine, and even that was not touching the nerve pain, according to her husband.
She needs us to go before the throne of Jesus offering our prayers, and I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for praying for our precious friend, Debbie.
Update: We were just advised that our dear friend, Debbie, has passed away. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers as this most difficult time. Debbie will forever be in our hearts, and I am thankful for 17 years of the most beautiful and precious friendship. I love you, Debbie. Always & Forever!
For previous posts regarding Debbie, please see the below:
My daughter received this 365 day devotional book by Max Lucado from me in the summer of 2014 entitled One God, One Plan, One Life. She was not too terribly thrilled to be the recipient of this book at the time. She had little desire to read any book over the summer but certainly not one of a religious nature. I explained to her that this wasn’t a book where you read chapter upon chapter in one sitting. It was a daily devotional to help her get her day started off in the right direction. Still, there was little interest.
Until …
She began cleaning her room over this past weekend, and out from under a pile of things came this book! Much to our surprise, she came out of her room with this book in hand and actually began reading the devotional for that day. Of course my eyes lit up and my heart swelled with pride with the sight and sound of my darling daughter taking the time to read what this book had to offer. Finally.
When she was little, we had a children’s daily devotional that I would read with her at night. It had a short story along with bible verses and a prayer at the end. While she has certainly grown up a lot since that time, she is still in her teen years and therefore needs a teen version of a devotional. This book fits just perfectly as it is intended specifically for teens. As we all know, teens deal with a lot of things that adults don’t have to think about now that they’re older. It is still very much an issue for teens, though, from bullying to alcohol and drug usage among their peers to even issues like purity and self control. This book covers it all in a way that sheds God’s light on these hard to talk about subjects.
My daughter left the book laying around last night, and I picked it up to see what it had to offer. It spoke to my heart right there where I was, yes, even as an adult. We all struggle from time to time with our self worth and being able to love and forgive ourselves. Well, right there at the bottom of the page were these words:
You’ve made mistakes. You keep falling short. No one seems to value you. I get all that. But God forgives you, loves you, believes in you, has a wonderful plan for you. Who are you to reject the one opinion that counts? Love him. Love others. Because he commands it.
What a perfect message right when we needed it the most. God’s plan … not mine. He knew what I needed to speak to me, and His message was clear.
Whether you read this daily devotional or another, we encourage you to start or end your day with a daily devotional of your choice. You will find inspiration and things that make you think. You will start your day or end your day (depending on when you read your devotional) on a positive note, and you will feel peace within your heart as you meditate on the words allowing them to soak into your being.
Five minutes is pretty much all it takes. Surely you have five minutes to spare to improve your outlook on life and spend a little time with Jesus. If not, then you’re just too busy! Slow down and take time to enjoy this journey that you’re on and the life that God has given to you! We are so blessed … so truly blessed!
This is my dear friend, Debbie. This precious lady is really more like a second mother to me. No matter what was going on in my life, she has always been there. We’ve known each other for the past 17 years and have shared much laughter as well as tears.
If you’ve been following along for a while, you’ll remember a post from September when our little crew rallied around Debbie after learning that she had breast cancer. Our friend, Betty, and her daughter, Haylie, came all the way from Oklahoma to put their arms around Debbie. Our other friend, Sylvia, traveled from Alabama with her son, Andrew, for the very same reason. We just wanted to love on Debbie for a little while. We wanted her to truly know the love we have in our hearts for her.
Back in September, we were able to forget for a little while what brought us together for that weekend. We threw our heads back laughing and enjoying each other’s company and the unique personalities that gathered around Debbie. We had a good time that weekend, my daughters and I. We took our friendship of 17 years with these precious individuals beyond the computer screen and the Lifetime Lounge and took it into real life. Why not? We had shared our lives with each other through the years any way, the good as well as the bad and the ugly! It was time – past time, honestly, to meet in person and give real hugs versus cyber hugs.
Now, the reality of the situation is forced in our faces once more. Debbie is really sick and is struggling due to the affects the cancer has had on her body. It has taken its toll, going from her right breast and in to her lymph nodes. The last report that I received was that the cancer had spread to her liver as well as fluid around her lung and into her spine. It wasn’t in her brain at that time, though. As you can imagine, this was devastating news for all of us. We can’t begin to imagine what her family must be going through and what she, herself, is having to endure.
This is where it gets really tough!
This is where we ask … Why?
Why did it have to be this way? Debbie is a good person! Why must she go through this and suffer so? Why couldn’t it have been caught sooner or prevented altogether? Why is this happening? No one has these answers here on this side of Heaven.
And at a time like this, all we can do is gather together and offer prayers to our Heavenly Father on Debbie’s behalf. We did just that the evening before we all had to part ways in September. We gathered around Debbie in a hotel room after hours spent together that day with our dear friends that traveled from states away, and we placed our hands on Debbie as we all bowed our heads and prayed for her and over her. Debbie cried. Real tears rolled down her cheeks, and after the prayer, she said that she has never felt more loved in all of her life. Mission accomplished. We came that weekend for her to feel our love, and she did, as strong as ever!
None of us could haven known what the future would hold. No one knew but our Father in Heaven. He knows the plans He has for Debbie. He knows why she had to walk this path.
We don’t understand, and yet there are things we aren’t supposed to understand. All we know is that our friend is hurting and needs us …
And so … we are returning to Georgia this weekend.
We have heard from Debbie’s daughter that she is having a really hard time and unable to get out of bed without assistance. They made the decision to call Hospice in. And … we, her friends, made the decision to call the prayer warriors together … now more than ever before … to surround our dear friend, Debbie, to uplift her when she’s feeling so down, for God to give her strength when she is so weak, for Him to provide comfort when she’s hurting:
For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20
God was there that evening in September when we gathered around Debbie to pray for her. I know that without a shadow of a doubt. I believe Debbie not only felt the love we all have for her, but she received a touch from God Almighty that evening as well. I believe He enabled her to hold on a little longer as she has two grown children, lots of grandchildren, and one great-grand on the way. She’s been so strong for so long, and the last message we received from her personally spoke of how she wanted to give up. Of course, we told her that was NOT an option. Keep fighting the good fight … and she has.
We are rushing to her side tomorrow even if all we can do is sit with Debbie, hold her hand, and pray with her, for her, and over her. God will be there. He has never left her side. In fact, He’s carrying her in His loving arms when she’s unable to get around on her own. God has her in the palm of His great and mighty hand. He’s not letting her go. Debbie will be healed, whether it is on this side of Heaven or when she gets to Heaven. As painful as that was to write, I know that Debbie will not suffer much longer. Whether Jesus reaches down and heals her completely on Earth, or whether that just is not in the plans … she will suffer no more when Jesus calls her home to be with Him. There won’t be any more pain, no more suffering, and there won’t be any need for Debbie to shed any more tears. No, there won’t be any tears in Heaven. Debbie will be made whole once again.
We don’t want to lose her, please know that. Selfishly, we want Debbie here with us. We would take this all away from her in a minute if we possessed the power to do so. Yet, we do not. We do have the power to pray, and that is the weapon that we will arm ourselves with tomorrow as we go to battle with this thing that has taken over her body. We will pray, we will fight when she is unable to do so on her own. We will lift up our voices to God in Heaven on her behalf, and we ask you to do the same. Oh, I know you don’t know Debbie personally, but please … say a prayer for her. Pray with all your might, or just whisper a silent prayer … GOD HEARS THEM ALL!
And …
He’s in our mist.
With heavy hearts, we will travel to Georgia on this Friday morning to see our sweet friend’s face. We will gather around her bed, if need be, and pray.
This trip won’t be like the last one. It won’t be fun and laughter like before. I have prepared my daughters who have insisted that they have to go as well. And so, they shall. I believe that God hears the prayers of little children, and they will be offering up their prayers on Debbie’s behalf as well.
Our family has had a situation play out within the past few months that have been extremely painful for us all to process. There seemed to be an elephant in the room, although no one wanted to ever acknowledge it. We knew something wasn’t quite right, and yet every time we tried to address it, it was brushed aside once more. Nothing ever gets resolved when this happens.
The days of tiptoeing around this elephant in the room turned into weeks, then months, and ultimately years of denying there was an elephant at all. Yet, in the back of our minds, we knew. We saw, we felt, and we lived side by side with this elephant.
By now you may be wondering exactly where I am going with this and what, exactly, am I talking about here. You may even be scratching your head right now while asking, “What is the elephant in the room that she’s referring to?” It is my husband’s addiction to pornography. Before you gasp and shy away from this post, please hear me out and see how this has affected us all. It has been extremely painful, and yet, I feel the story needs to be told.
Click here to continue reading over on Jennifer Dukes Lee’s site, author of Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need For Approval And Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes, where Shirley is the PreApproved Writer of The Week. There you will find the rest of my story and how we are crushing the idol, once and for all, as well as a book at the end that Jennifer recommends to help those who have suffered through a spouse’s pornography addiction.
This is the most wonderful time of the year, in my opinion. There is a crisp coolness in the air that lets you know that Thanksgiving and Christmas are on their way.
Several of my Facebook friends started at the beginning of November with their, “I am thankful for …” posts. They intend to write what they are thankful for each day on their Facebook status until November 30th. This is wonderful and definitely sets your day off in the right direction when you take time to appreciate the things that you do have in this life. I applaud everyone that is sharing with a grateful heart during the month of November, but why stop there? Why meditate on the things that you are grateful for only in the month of November? Wouldn’t it be better if we all got into the mindset of being grateful and thankful each and every day? Imagine the difference this would make and the change of perspective you would have in your daily life if you would intentionally put on the attitude of gratitude!
We are so blessed in this life. We have far more than we ever truly need, and yet we seem restless at times. We seek to gain more, which doesn’t enhance our character or make us people of integrity. It only makes us people with more material possessions! You could have all of the money in the world, a mansion on a hill with a garage full of every kind of “toy” ever made, and yet you would not feel complete. Money does not buy happiness. Money cannot fill your heart, but love can. And who better to fill your heart with love than our Heavenly Father. We love because He first loved us!
If you surround yourself with people that support you, uplift you, and encourage you that’s half the battle right there! With your own personal team of cheerleaders in your corner, ie: your family, you know that they believe in you and have faith in your abilities no matter what comes your way in life. If you ever had anything to be grateful for – that’s it right there! That should be on the very top of your list! So often we take those closest to us for granted. Don’t. They deserve to be treated as the jewels that they are! Value, treasure, appreciate, and be grateful for them!
As we go into this holiday season, consider all of the things that you have to be grateful for that money cannot buy.
They are there looking at you with those bright beautiful deep blue eyes each morning as you gently wake them from their slumber to get ready for school.
They are there each evening as you kiss them gently on their forehead as you stroke their long blond hair and give “just one more” mini facial as their eyes get heavy and they drift off to sleep.
They are there each morning as the sun rises in brilliant colors as God, The Greatest Artist of All Time, paints a masterpiece. And they are there as the sun sets in the evening as all grows quiet, and we stand in awe of all of God’s creations.
From the simplest things such as the air we breathe to the food we eat; the shelter over our heads and the clothes on our backs; for the gift of another day to share with our loved ones and hear their laughter once more. We have so much to be grateful for.
We are blessed in this life!
This post was inspired by the prompt word of “Grateful” given by Karen as part of Tuesday At Ten. Join her for this link up to build community! Karen visits everyone that links up and comments on their page to show her appreciation for your participation.
The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs states quite nicely what the focus of Veteran’s Day is truly about:
” A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”
They have written a very nice article on their website regarding the history of Veteran’s Day. Please click here to be taken to their very informative website.
Today, we honor all of the men and women who have served in the armed forces. My dad, Granddad, and father-in-law are among the list of veteran’s that should receive special recognition today especially! Please, we strongly urge you to recognize a veteran today. Thank them for their service to our great country!
In our town, we have A Veteran’s Memorial Park which pays tribute to all those that served. Very early on in this project, my husband and I purchased bricks in honor of our family members that served in the military to be placed in this park. Their names and the capacity in which they served will be displayed for generations to come to recognize and honor them.