People First
What are the really important things in your life?
Do you place value on material things such as your house, car, or any other worldly possessions?
Do you focus more on making a living or making a life? There is a big difference in the two. Huge, actually!
Don’t get me wrong here. There’s not anything wrong with having nice things if you can afford them. To me, though, worldly possessions have not been high on my list. I’ve gone from not having a whole lot while growing up, to having enough to get by when I was married the first time around. Then just as things seemed like smooth sailing, a divorce was thrust upon me shattering my picture perfect fantasy land fairytale of a life. After that, I worked hard to support my daughter and to ensure that her quality of life did not go down in the least just because my husband left our home. I fought hard to keep that house and the lifestyle we were living. While it wasn’t anything grand, it was OUR house. And, I wanted her to still have the security and stability she had always known.
Then …
Many years later, I got remarried. Money wasn’t scarce like before, and we were able to travel the world, have nice things, and enjoy to the fullest. Still, money does not buy happiness. It never will possess that power. Ever.
I had a nice job and moved up the ladder rather quickly. I had a corner office with a window and an “official” title. Even still, that did not supply the happiness I craved and wanted for my now two daughters in this life. I found out that the nice office and title did nothing for my happiness in life at the hands of people that attempted to tear me down every chance they had. So, I left that job and took a much lesser position actually back where I started out … and guess what? I’m happier than I have been in a very long time!
Some times less really is more!
A lot of people focus on material things, their money, and just feel such power in saying what they “do” for a living. I could care less whether you’re a multi millionaire or have only a penny to your name. I don’t care if you live in a mansion or a run down shack. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re a doctor or lawyer OR a school janitor or even a stay-at-home mom taking care of the house and children who sometimes feels inadequate or not good enough (you ARE … by the way, and you have the hardest job of all, sisters!). What matters most in this life are PEOPLE!!! It’s the people you share your life with. It’s people that should always … ALWAYS … come first.
When all of the material things have been stripped away no matter the circumstances or reasons it happens … whether it’s by a natural disaster or due to being in financial ruins due to another divorce …
When that job you worship lays you off or replaces you with someone fresh out of college that looks better on paper than you may … or you simply feel unfulfilled, used and abused and decide to get out while you still can …
WHO is going to be there to wrap their arms around you and tell you that it’s okay and that you’ll get through it … together?
Will you have anyone to stand in the trenches with you?
Do you have someone that you feel safe when their arms envelop you?
Is there any one in your life that possesses the power to where you feel that the storms may rage violently around you, yet you’re protected … safe … and secure.
Everything else can be lost in a single blink of an eye. Money, homes, job security.
Put people first. They are what truly matter in this life. Their love will endure!