I am fond of saying I “lived life backwards” simply because I had my son at age 25, then went to college at age 28 and after rearing my son to adulthood (and with two children of his own!), I married the kindest, sweetest man I know at the age of 52. It truly does not matter the order in which your life runs, it only matters that one stay present and willing to grow along their own personal journey. I write today with hope that someone may read these words and find themselves willing to open up for perhaps the first time. The time for hiding is over.
What I failed to mention in the first installment is there is an inherent sadness that comes from seeing the glass half-empty; of living life from a negative place constantly worrying when the next “thing” will come along that throws everything out of whack…again. I am sorry to say I lived with just that attitude. Thankfully, I have discovered along my life’s journey that our vision can always be adjusted and we can change and become the people we were meant to be – optimistic, satisfied, fulfilled – and the shine on the glass becomes more apparent and the beginnings of a glass half-full view of life becomes clearer and clearer. More
I’m sure I don’t need to remind you, but here … today … I feel lead to do so.
Life is precious and fragile … just like the ones that you have with you on this path.
These dear ones and their lives can be changed in the matter of mere minutes, seconds even.
Every life is precious … every single one.
And everyone matters … even when you feel like you don’t.
Just, please, be careful what you wish for.
Your best-laid, well-meaning plans can easily go astray.
Your desires can get the best of you in the moment, and everything else will come crashing down around your feet … so be careful what you wish for.
Be careful what you ask of others … and what you expect them to do to fulfill you or your requests in return. It has the potential to enhance or destroy.
Make wise choices, yet realize that ultimately, you are not in control. Not one of us truly ever is. Sure, we try to be, and thus, a lot of our anger comes from the inability to control another human being.
We didn’t have much as a family while I was growing up. When my parents divorced things got worse. We were poor. I went to work to help out when I was fourteen. I didn’t see the money from any of my paychecks until I turned sixteen when thing got a bit better. There is one incident that has stuck in my mind through all these years. This “RAK” or “random act of kindness” influenced me to become a better person and to try to return in kind what we received one evening.
It was during Christmas time when I was fifteen. It was the Saturday before the second Sunday of Advent. My mom, sister and I had accepted the task of created banner to be hung in church each Sunday during Advent that year. We were sitting around the dining room table reading through Bible passages to get ideas for the banner. I can still see everything in my mind that night. The Christmas lights were lit. We had a fire going in the fireplace to help chase the chill away in the house since we kept the temperature below what most consider comfortable during the cold winters here in Illinois to save on the heating bill. There were classic Christmas songs playing on the stereo; Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and so on.
Mom had explained to us while we worked that there was not enough money to “have” a Christmas that year. There would just be enough for a small Christmas dinner and to pay the bills. My sister and I knew things weren’t good financially with mom. Neither one of us said anything or complained about the situation. We just sat as a family and continued to work on coming up with a wonderful banner to celebrate the coming of Christ’s birth.
Out of the blue, there was a knock on the front door. We weren’t expecting anyone. As we all had our hands full, it took mom a minute to stop cutting felt and get to the door. When she opened the door, there was no one there. In that short two minutes to get to the door, who ever had knocked had disappeared. Just as she was about to close the front door, mom noticed an envelope stuck in the screen door. She brought the envelope in and opened it. She started to have tears stream down her face. In the envelope was three hundred dollars. There was no note. There was nothing to give us a clue as to who this angel of Christmas was. Because of this “angel” we had a very special Christmas. We never found who was responsible for this wonderful gift.
This person had a tremendous effect on my life. Since that cold December evening, I told myself that I wanted and I would become just like that person. I would randomly give of myself without expectation or the need for recognition.
I have done this to my best ability over the years and I will continue to do thing like this until my time here is done. Random acts of kindness don’t have to be about giving large sums of money. It could be just a simple compliment you give someone or lending them a hand to help them out. It is about doing a little something for someone to bring a smile to their face. Many of the thing I do I never get to see the reaction of the receiving person. I don’t need that to happen. It is satisfying for me to know that I have done a little something that sparked a little joy in someone’s life.
I would like to challenge everyone reading this to do one RAK in the next few days. A few simple things I have done are:
At times, I drop the change I get back at the Supermarket in the parking lot. I think of the wonder and joy a child would get finding a nickel, dime or quarter.
I love to shop for cards. So when I know that no one is looking, I will slip a dollar bill in a card and place it back in the rack.
Even something simple as holding a door open for someone can make their day.
Sharing love and kindness toward others is what Jesus taught over and over. Yet, in our modern times we get so wrapped up in just trying to survive that at times we tend to forget that. So think about sharing a little of God’s love and kindness through a random act of kindness and you will also share in the joy of the gift that you gave.
Just recently, my friend, Susan, told us all about her beautiful trip to Europe. She shared pictures, quotes, and how God was speaking to her throughout her entire time there and even when she returned home. (If you missed it, please see Susan’s post here on The Trip That Was Never Supposed To Happen.)
I hope Susan won’t mind, but there is a part in her post that truly reached out and touched my heart. I’ve thought of this quote since she shared it. She probably never even realized that we had something else in common: the interest and love of Anne Frank’s writings.
Susan shared:
I have to agree with Anne as she writes on March 15, 1944: “Yet, what’s nicest of all is that at least I can still write down my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I’d just totally suffocate.”
That’s what this website is all about. I have encouraged several to write … to share their beautiful words with the world. While our situations pale in comparison with what Anne went through, there is still such power in the written word.
Think of how you feel when you’re listening to a song, and that song moves something inside of you. Then, you search for the lyrics to make sure you had them all just right and to see the ones you may have missed as you were captured completely, entranced with the song. How powerful were those words when you heard them and then when you saw them in print?
Now, think of the actual written words whether it’s in the form of a poem, a letter, or a card you receive in the mail. Someone took the time to actually write their thoughts down, pouring them out on paper, to give to you.
That is powerful!
In the day we’re living in today with all of the technology that surrounds us, the written word has just about gotten lost. Everyone emails, sends text messages, or they bypass that completely and go to video chats like Skype, Facetime, and Google “meet ups”. Yes, it is wonderful to see someone, to look into their eyes, even if only with the aid of technology.
After that moment is lost, there’s nothing to hold on to.
With the written word, you can hold it in your hands. You can feel the wrinkle of the paper, the very paper that they held in their hand. The paper that they placed delicately on the desk as they reached for their pen to share their heart with you.
I can imagine them sitting there in deep thought with this ever so serious look on their face. Gripping the pen tightly, they begin to pour out the contents of their heart onto that paper.
For some, it flows beautifully like a river.
For others, it is a painful task to put their thoughts into words as there just aren’t enough words in the human language to describe how they’re feeling. They labor over their hand written letter to you or their poetry that is offered to your heart straight from the very soul of their being.
The written word IS powerful.
Recently I was given a piece of paper with words reflecting the very heart of the giver. Those words spoke life over me and love into me.
Oh the power of the written word and a few strokes of the pen.
Keep writing, dear one. Keep writing and sharing yourself with the world.
The idea is to write for five whole minutes without regard to proofing … don’t worry about a thing. Just let the words FLOW!!
Oh dear one. I see you hurting. I see all that goes on behind your smile. Your silliness tries to disguise it all, but I know you. I know your heart. I know the pain you’re silencing.
You feel like you’re a mess. But, here’s the thing. There is a message in your “mess.”
There is something good that will come from all of this. Today we’re not sure what “good” there could possibly be in ANY of this, but I am clinging to the promise that God has given in HIS word! He has a plan and a purpose for your life, dear one. He does not have plans to harm you but to prosper you, to give you a future and a hope …
Hold on, don’t lose hope, darling. I’m here. I’ll help in whatever way I can.
I love you more than you could ever imagine. If only my love could save you. You’d never hurt again!
There’s something deeper developing from all of this. Your desire to help others is one … it’s a beautiful thing to think that while you’re hurting, your thoughts go to all the others “out there” that are hurting to. You want to help them, to rescue them, to help them, to guide them down a different path.
There’s much to be said about the type of person that you are.
Honey, you’re hurting, and yet you think of others!
You’re not a mess … just like you’re not any of the other things that your head is telling you. Listen to my heart speak to yours.
You’re wanted.
You’re needed.
You’re important.
You’re loved … more than you will ever know in this lifetime or the next.
Less than a year ago, my sister passed away after a several month bout with cancer. As it gets closer to what would have been her forty-eighth birthday on May 11th, I find myself thinking of her and the effect she had on so many lives during her short life. As I think of her, I am continually amazed at what she accomplished with the trials and tribulations that she lived through.
My parents had two children, Julia and I. I am, or was, the oldest. Both of us were born handicapped. I hate that word; “handicapped.” It has a stigma attached to it for many people. We both inherited eye conditions from my father. My condition was not nearly as serious as Julia’s. Both of us were born with cataracts. As such, I have nearly no vision in my left eye and I have had a successful corrective surgery on the right. Julia, however, not only had cataracts in both eyes, but a detached optic nerve in one eye (which one I cannot remember) and glaucoma. Over the years, Julia had more than twelve surgeries to try to save her sight. As she explained to me one time, her sight would get better for a while after a surgery but then go back to where it was or get worse. It came to the point where Julia completely lost her sight a few years ago.
None of what she went through stopped her from living a full life. She achieved a Master’s degree in Education and Counseling. Her first job was as a counselor for the State of Illinois where she worked with abused children. When she decided to leave Illinois for Minnesota, she was unable to find work because of her physical limitations with not being able to drive. I did what I could to help her by building a website specifically for visually impaired people which Julia called eyes2eyes.com. And though her sight began to gradually fade, she built her website into a large community of support for those suffering with various visual conditions by doing online and phone counseling. The hard work she put into the site with posted articles, tips and so on to help the visually impaired got the attention of media around the world to the point where she did a guest radio appearance in Australia, and co-hosted a radio show based in France that catered specifically to those who were visually impaired. Though she made have been “handicapped”, Julia touched the lives and helped many people all over the world. One of her best friends she made though her work lives in Israel and Niki honored Julia by flying here for her funeral last August.
My point is telling you all this is not to boast of Julia’s accomplishments. My point is that no matter whom we are or what our situation is, God has given each of us a special talent. It is up to us to find that and to nurture it because we are all special in his eyes. He has given us each of us something special within ourselves. Julia found that and made the best of her situation. Our gift doesn’t have to be something that is world changing. All it has to do it to make your world a special place for you and those around you.
As for me, I was closer to Julia than to anyone else in our family. Now that she is gone, I am in a very lonely place right now. So I have taken Julia’s lead and begun to use some of those special things that God has given me that I let slip over the years that bring me and those around me joy. It has helped to get me through those days where I truly feel alone in a world full of people. Happy birthday Julia, I miss you more than mere words can ever express.
~The Quiet Computer Guy
The Quiet Computer Guy does web design/development, multimedia design/production and is an adjunct faculty member at a community college. He volunteers his time helping non-profits and small businesses with their web site and computer needs. In his spare time, he plays with a local classic rock band.
We have a very special guest contributor with us today. I have had the privilege of knowing Gregory Thompson for the past 17 years. We have been through it all together, although not side-by-side due to the distance in miles, but always heart-to-heart.
I tease Greg by saying that he is my little Indian boy, as he is part Native American. He was raised with his mother’s strong Native beliefs and fully embraces it. He is also in the medical field, as you will see from his writings below.
It is an honor to share his beautiful musings with the world.
Does God Test Us?
Why do people use the phrase “God is testing me”? Personally, I have never thought that God was testing me. I feel that we make our own choices as we travel down the path of life. Does God intervene? I don’t feel that God picks and chooses His spots to step in. I feel that He, and the people that we have loved and lost, are always with us. They are there trying to guide us and help us to make the best decisions in life.
Life is full of pot holes along the path. My own life experiences are what make me the person I am today: from a near fatal car accident, to experimental brain surgery, to a stroke.
The good things about seeing patients that I work with is that I get to witness their healing and walking — not being wheeled, but walking — out of the hospital. I also have the joy of seeing the faces of the children no matter what their diagnosis may be.
Could all of these be God’s intervention … or could it be just God’s creation?
We all have a free will to make choices to do the right thing … or not to. We are allowed to make those choices. We all have the guidelines of what we have to do to be a good person. My choices have always been to try to do anything I could do to take the pain or fear away from the patients that I have the honor to serve as part of their treatment team. Was it God’s intervention in my life to turn me away from a career in Marine Biology to a career in Respiratory Therapy and furthering on to Nurse Practitioner? Some may say yes, while others may say no and reason that it was simply what my interest evolved into. For me, though, I think that in some way, somehow, I was given the desire to help and heal. I can’t say that it was God … but I do feel that I want to make God proud and happy that I am utilizing the talent and putting the education to a good use and most certainly not to take advantage of it to only further my own self instead. I want to take the pain away and help bring them peace.
There are people that come into our lives that do that very same thing for us.
They may not even be doctors or nurses. They may be an accountant, a homemaker, or even a police officer. These people come into your life and bring such joy and peace. They make you want to be a better person, perhaps of the internal guilt you may feel for not always being the person you should be.
Is this God sending an angel to help guide you?
We have all of these questions with as many answers as there are stars in the sky.
I don’t feel that God tests us. That would imply a level of un-trust on the part of the Almighty. That’s not the Omnipotent Being that I envision! God, the Great Spirit, Allah, Buddha, call him (or her) what you wish. I just know that the Almighty is not there to manipulate our lives but to provide strength when we are at our weakest. In my opinion, God is there to pass that strength on when those around us, those we love most, are at their weakest.
During my recovery from the brain surgery, there was one person that gave me the strength – the will – to recover. That same person gave me all of the strength that she had while I worked my way back to some semblance of normalcy after my stroke. This person never asked for anything, never expected a “thank you” … she just poured encouragement and support into my recovering body. It was this person that, to me, enabled me to recover.
So, I’ll ask …
Does God, the Almighty test us?
Does He see the trials that we encounter and provide His angels to lend us strength and guidance?
Personally, I feel that He sent an angel to me. I only hope that as I progress down my path in life that I can prove to be worthy of the love, support, and encouragement that I have received from my angel.
One of my most favorite things to do is take a stroll on the beach. When the weight of the world feels like it is on my shoulders, a quick escape to the sandy shores will sweep it all away. Just as the tide rushes in and brings new treasures with it in the form of seashells and sea creatures, the pull of the ocean takes things from the shore just as quickly as it was deposited mere seconds ago. It also does the same with me, only it restores my soul, revitalizes right to the core of my being, and refreshes my spirit.
The beach is no place for worries or concerns. Stress cannot exist with the rolling of the tide and crashing of the waves. Those sounds are far too soothing to provoke anything but relaxation and rejuvenation.
We cannot help but look down at our feet as we walk along the shore, but not at the sand between our toes. With our heads bowed, we search for those treasures beneath us and all around us … seashells.
If you’re lucky, you will come across a perfectly in-tact beauty of a shell. It may even look as if it is flawless. But you’ll never know the journey of that one little shell and things that threatened it along the way. Just because it appears perfect does not mean that it did not struggle.
The majority of the time, though, you’ll encounter broken shells along the shores. Some shells look as if they have been crushed beneath someone’s feet, and they probably have. There are some people that don’t find joy in searching for shells as I do, and that’s okay. But, I wish they’d preserve them for those of us that do go there sometimes for that very reason, to look for those precious treasures that have washed ashore.
Some may reach down to pick up a shell that looks near perfect as it’s laying there in the sand only to find that it is broken and worn underneath. Most would toss it aside without giving it another thought. Not I. I hold it in my hand, grasp it between my fingers and feel the different textures of the shell. I examine the color, the shape, and imagine what it would have looked like if it hadn’t been beaten, broken, and parts shattered along the way.
We feel like those shells at times in our lives, don’t we? We feel that as broken as we are, with what we’ve gone through in life, that no one would ever want us. We fear that we’ll be tossed aside, disregarded, and sometimes as if we have no true value in the eyes of others.
Hear me now, friends. You’re not broken … you’re beautiful!
I’m not just talking about your outer appearance. It’s your true beauty that shines, and it comes from inside. It comes from your heart and soul. It reflects in all the different, special ways that you care for others.
I see you over there: nurturing, caring, and loving … doing everything within your power to help another soul. I see you struggling and yet pushing your cares aside to put others first.
I see your true beauty reflected on your face as you cast a warm smile at a little child as you take the time to hear them … truly listening to them and making them feel like they matter, too! Because they do! Just like you!
I see you encouraging others when you need encouragement yourself. I see you going out of your way to offer support in whatever way you can to those who are hurting, sick, feeling lonely, and lost in life.
We all face things in this life. I doubt that there is one person that will escape the feelings of being beaten, broken, and shattered at some point in their lifetime. Bad things happen to good people. We aren’t sure why, and it’s not for us to know. One day when you meet your Maker, you can ask Him yourself why you had to struggle so much. I know that His ways are not our ways, and while we can’t see the path ahead of us, He can. I know He loves us with a love that is so hard to understand. Unconditional love. Rarely do people love with an unconditional love, but He does … and always will.
I’ll admit that there have been times in my life that I’ve felt like the broken shell. I’ve experienced great heartache and pain in my lifetime. I realize that what I’ve experienced has molded me into the person that I am today. It’s been a painful process at times, but I’m still here and thanking God for the gift of another day.
There’s others that have endured life altering things on their path as well. They’ve endured unspeakable things that threatened to claim their lives. They’ve struggled and wondered if they would ever be whole again.
There are several people in my life that immediately come to mind as I sit here writing this out. They are very near and dear to my heart, and they have gone through completely devastating things in their lives. They have felt just like this shell, too!
They’ve wondered if they have any value left due to what they’ve been through in this life.
They wonder if anyone would ever want them with their broken pieces and shattered lives.
I’m here to tell you that I do!
I admire your strength and the way you’ve continued to fight. I applaud even your smallest achievements along the way.
Although you may feel like it, you’re not broken, sweetie. You’re beautiful!
It has taken such courage and strength. You’ve fought so hard for so long to keep from being completely crushed by the pounding surf. You’ve felt frightened and alone at times even. But the beauty comes from watching you overcome! You’re still out there on the sandy shores displaying your beauty … just like the little shells.
Today’s prompt word for Five Minute Friday is: Friend!
I love when Fridays roll around as it’s an opportunity to see what goodies Lisa Jo has in store for us to write about this time. It’s writing with no regard to mistakes. No editing allowed. Just write for five whole minutes. The most important thing is to get those words out!
Do you have that one friend in your life that no matter how long it has been since you’ve seen each other, it’s like no time has passed at all when you ARE together again?
I do!
It’s been almost ten years since we’ve seen each other face-to-face. Ten LONG years.
We’ve talked on the phone, sent messages, and all of that good stuff. Nothing could ever come close to actually being in front of them, though, looking into their eyes. Talking to them, watching their every move as they talked almost nonstop, but my not minding at all because we were there … together … within arm’s length so I could just reach out and hug at any given moment, and they wouldn’t mind. They would welcome it, appreciate it, and bask in the moment with me.
This is a very special friendship that has stood the test of time. Sure, there have been bumps along the way, there have been times we did not see eye-to-eye. We are different people from different walks of life, but when we come together, it is truly a beautiful thing. I appreciate, value, and respect our differences. It makes us who we are! And I would not change a single thing.
And so, after ten very long years, we have been reunited. We hugged, we cried, we held each other tight for an extremely long time when we saw each other after all of these years. It was very sweet, much needed, and soothing for the soul.
My best friend.
My forever friend.
My heart connected friend.
My I-love-you-to-the-end-of-time-and-beyond friend.
I know the topic on the blog today isn’t one that we would normally discuss as this is not a cosmetologist site. However, if you stay with me long enough, I promise to throw some inspiration in as I love to do.
What girl, lady, or woman doesn’t love being pampered. Whether it is by going to get a massage at the spa or having a manicure and pedicure, as women, we like to treat ourselves every once in a while.
One day many years ago, I stopped in at a shop to have some “me time.” It wasn’t something that I did too often. Actually, I rarely gave myself the luxury of such a gift. This time was different, though.
As I sat there with my feet soaking in the bubbling water, I could feel the stress leaving my body as if the drain at the very bottom would surely suck all of the stress down with the water when they pulled the plug. I tried to tame my thoughts and not allow them to run wild but to, instead, try really hard not to think about anything at all. Ladies, you know how that goes, though. In moments like this, you try and you try, but you end up going over a list a mile long in your head of things you need to do … like the laundry, cleaning the house, washing drapes, etc.
Then my thoughts were interrupted right about the same time as my toes still soaking in the water started to look like little prunes!
“Ma’am … what color ma’am?”
I was snatched from my “to do list” in my head and brought back to the reality of a little Chinese person standing in front of me asking what color I would like my nails painted.
I replied with a simple:
The little Chinese person immediately began shaking their head as they said:
“Red … no. Red not your color, ma’am.”
I sat there for a second wondering if they really said those words to me or if my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I heard it again:
“Red not your color!”
Um, okay.
I have never been told that before in all of my life. Red … is not my color? But, I love red!
I sat there slowly withdrawing my feet from the soapy water as they pulled the drain to let the water out. I watched as the suds all but disappeared as they were washed away, like my desire to wear red and actually look good in it.
As they dried my feet and began their usual routine of clipping, trimming, and scrubbing, I sat there thinking about what they said.
How many times have you had your heart set on something only to have someone dash your hopes and dreams with their mere words?
It seems so small, the words that red just was not my color. However, it was their opinion, too, not necessarily the truth of the matter. Just because they did not think I would look good in red or that red was simply not my color in their eyes, their words did not have the power to stop me. Only I had that power. I had to decide at that moment in time whether I was going to allow a nay-sayer to take away my desire to wear red confidently ever again, or if I was going to go full steam ahead and insist on the red.
Can you guess which I chose?
The red, of course!
As they put their clippers away, then massaged my calves and heels, drying off my nails to prepare for the polish, they asked again:
“Ma’am, what color?”
With a smile forming at the corners of my lips, I simply replied with one word:
There it was! There was the voice of confidence that had gotten pushed aside momentarily by the negative words spoken over me. There was the voice that chose to rise above! There was the voice with great determination that she would not only insist on red but look good and feel confident wearing it.
And guess what? With their head shaking in disapproval, they did, in fact, paint my nails red. A firey red. A deep flame red, even. But red … my heart’s desire!
The point in this entire post tonight is not to let any one else’s opinion trump your own! Don’t let any one steal your joy either! Just like I started out on this journey to have some “me time” and enjoy myself to the fullest, this had the potential to very easily steal my joy if I had allowed it to. But you know what? I didn’t.
And you shouldn’t either!
While we wish that every one we come into contact with would have encouraging words for and about us or that they would choose to speak life over us, not every one will. The thing is NOT to allow someone else’s words to injure you.
Choose your red! Choose whatever your heart’s desire is in this life. Don’t let anyone change your mind. If you change it later on, that is fine, but be sure that it is because you had a change of heart and NOT because someone spoke negatively over you.
Hold your head up high and live YOUR dream. Be yourself. Do your own thing. Don’t let any one else influence your decisions in a negative way.
Fast forward many, many years later, and guess what my signature color has been since that day? You got it – RED!
With such determination, with such confidence, with my head held high, I wear my red polish proudly! The majority of the time you will find me with perfectly polished red toenails and fingernails, and loving every minute of it!
Wear your red.
Join us every Wednesday for inspirational and encouraging messages straight from the heart here … and at Holley Gerth‘s site as well!
Thank you for joining us today as my very dear friend, Tamela, shares her heart and thoughts on this past Easter weekend. It’s sure to inspire you.
Meet Tamela!
Tamela Hyatt Jasmann was born in Rhode Island and traveled the Eastern Seaboard extensively as the young child of a Naval Intelligence Pilot. From Rhode Island to Key West, FL with forays into the Mid-West and upstate-New York as her father served two tours in Vietnam, Tamela has been blessed to see much of the country to which she is deeply committed. Her father perished in a plane crash months prior to Tamela turning 13 and this pivotal memory has guided most of her life; making sure her father/guardian angel in heaven would be proud of the daughter he brought into this world. Tamela is now a very active volunteer with the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars; something she believes honors the memory of her beloved father. The cycle back to Dad is complete. Her devotion to veterans is so deep that she is her auxiliary’s president-elect for 2014-2015 and has been appointed to serve as the Legislative State Chairman for Arizona as well. Working with veterans, serving veterans – this is her life’s goal now; whether that be through promoting scholarships for our youth or working to pass veteran-beneficial legislation at the state and federal levels or bringing smiles to our veterans in the VA hospitals, treatment centers and homes, yes, home has been fully found again!
The Gift
I awoke today feeling refreshed, renewed. For me, because of disabilities, waking with a “glass half full” attitude isn’t always possible and so today, especially, I found the ease and comfort of the morning more than enjoyable – it was heart-opening. It felt as if God said to me – or I finally was able to hear Him in the stillness – “It’s time to know the truth,” while handing me The Gift. I need to share my joy if you’ll permit me!
It is my habit upon waking to prepare a pot of coffee, grab the phone and head to my backyard where I am most often greeted by birdsong, blue skies and a sense of peace and quiet that, considering I live in a big city, is remarkable. The time it takes for the coffee to be made is usually spent in spiritual introspection and having my morning chat with God, asking for His guidance throughout the day and to beam bright white light on those I love for protection, love, safety and their well-being. For me, my God does not reside in any one church or religion, He is all around me if only I pay attention. I also talk with Him about me and helping me but none of the above makes me too very different that anyone else praying or talking with God.
This morning as I sat outside and began my meditations with God, I felt an ease and lightness I had not experienced before. What I was aware of this morning is how I seem to take my troubles to God but forget to thank Him for all He does and has done for me other than my standard opening of, “Thank for your another day of travel on this path called Life.” This is not to say that I do not thank God regularly for the many blessings in my life but rather an acknowledgement that during that morning time, I seem to come from a negative space instead of being positive about His love, His light, and all the many gifts, small and large, that God leads me to and through. What I have come to realize is that God is in my head and not so much my heart. I intellectualize God and His Love as something to be examined and taken apart like I know better than He how life should run. I question Him when I could be more loving and accepting of what simply is…His Love.
At the ripe age of 53 (yes, I can be a bit stubborn!), I saw this morning ever so clearly The Gift of today, The Gift of Easter! It is not a day of solitude and reflection but one of righteous joy for on this day His Son, who died so my sins would be forgiven, was resurrected so that I may have eternal life! I finally see His Gift!! It’s like the very words, “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE!,” have come alive in my heart and I sing from a place I’ve never known before! And that life is in the Kingdom of God and the pain and sorrow of being human will be shed and only love and forgiveness will surround me! It is God who gives me life and breathe and love…and ultimately forgiveness for someone like I who took so long to see. There truly are “none so blind as those who will not see.”
Today I am renewed, cleansed, thanking God for all HIs many Gifts, not the least of which is the gift of living long enough to finally see and feel The One True Light…beaming on me! “I was blind but now I see.” Today I know in my heart that each day is a gift to be celebrated, each moment a chance for gratitude and renewal, peace and forgiveness! It is not my job to seek out what is bad or wrong around me but to seek God and all the many ways He gives me life and ability. Today I know that I AM because HE IS!!
Enjoy the gift of today, the Gift of God’s Son in our lives, the joy of living each day basking in His Love. Seek love and gratitude. That is my hope and gift for today, I hope yours is equally as large and wondrous!
Thank you, Tamela, for these beautiful words! You ARE a world changer. I am proud to call you my friend and sister of the heart!
We have a special contributing writer on the blog today. Please help us welcome Susan Lawrence Choate! I first met Susan in our (in)courage group, Parenting Teens & Thriving. She inspired me with her posts, and I felt a real connection to her from the start. When she talked of her recent trip, I asked if she would share with my readers. Much to my delight, she agreed! I am thrilled to have her with us and hope she will join us again soon to share her beautiful words with the world. She gives God all of the praise, glory, and honor!
Meet Susan!
A beautiful child of God!
The Trip That Was Never Supposed To Happen
“We write to taste life twice … in the moment and in introspection.”
-Anais Nin
We set our mind on things we will and will not do in life … and then life happens.
My husband was recently sent to Europe for a business conference, and I was grateful to go with him; but this was never supposed to happen, because Europe was not on the grid for us. Our life plan or bucket list didn’t call for a European trip. Many other trips, maybe, but not this one.
When we returned, Shirley asked me to write about my adventure; thus, the quote above from Anais Nin. I’d be overjoyed to live this trip again … because it was never supposed to happen.
In Psalm 37:4 we read:
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
This trip was a gift from God that I didn’t ask for and my question time and again during my trip was:
“God, what am I supposed to do with this?”
From the moment we boarded the plane, the life lessons began.
Less is more.
I’m not an amateur at flying, but there are just some things an airline should not divulge to their passengers. When traveling at 644 mph at 6.25 miles high, the air temperature becomes -57 degrees F. Upon learning this news from the onboard television, my relationship with our Lord deepened significantly, and I began to nervously eye the emergency exit THAT IS DIRECTLY TO MY RIGHT for the next eight hours. Less is more when it comes to this kind of information.
Really, God, what was I supposed to do with that?
Don’t forget to look back and remember.
Amsterdam Central Station
To my pleasant surprise, my husband’s boss, Naomi, asked me to sightsee with her while the others were beginning their meetings. I was excited about this because I was the only spouse that came along and I knew the rest of the week I would be sightseeing all by myself. As we started out on foot from the majestic Amsterdam Central Station, she startled me as she suddenly stopped, turned around and said:
“Wait! When I’m in a foreign land, I always turn around and look back so that I don’t get lost and I’m reminded from where I came. That way, I’ll always be able to find my way back when I need to.”
Yes, Naomi, some times we just need to look back and remember how far God has brought us, and sometimes we need to backtrack to get on the right footing again. Yes, Lord, thanks for the reminder. I know what to do with that one.
Look for the “i”.
Naomi, being a wealth of information, also told me (as we were in need of information):
“Look for the ‘i’.”
Universally, when traveling and in need of help, you look for the “i” and there should be someone there who can assist you. I likened this to the Word of God. Read the directions. It will save you so much trouble when you seek it out. Yes, Lord, I’m listening and continually looking to the “i”.
Relish every moment and then pay it forward.
As I walked into buildings older than my country, I was in awe at the number of people who may have walked this path before me. At home, I take so much in life for granted; things I think of as mundane or mediocre. I’ll do it tomorrow … I’ll see to it later. On this journey, I knew ‘later’ would not happen, so I relished every moment.
In the Cathedral of Our Lady, which took 169 years to build and was completed in 1521 A.D., I found myself touching the columns and bannisters, wondering who had passed this way before me. How many families had made it their life goal to see this church completed so that I could stand here today? What if the builders had not considered the importance of solid construction of this building (or their faith) to be passed down many generations? We are so very small in this big world. I especially sense this when standing somewhere that generations of families worked together to build and in which people have worshipped for almost 600 years before me. This was a reminder for me to take a deep breath and relish each God-given moment — and then share my faith with the next generation.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10 NIV.
Praise you, Father, that I’m learning to be still in your presence and relish every moment. Give me the building blocks (words and actions) to share Jesus with the generations to come.
Write like Anne.
Anne Frank received a diary for her 13th birthday, and on the first page dated June 12, 1942, she writes:
“I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.”
Visiting Anne Frank’s House was the highlight of my trip. Unlike most American museums, you could personally touch the walls, doors, and yes, even the book case that hid the secret annex. I cannot fathom why the Holocaust had to happen, but I’m so grateful Anne had the foresight to write about it. I know it helped to keep her sane in an insane world. I have to agree with Anne as she writes on March 15, 1944:
“Yet, what’s nicest of all is that at least I can still write down my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I’d just totally suffocate.”
God gifts us with thoughts, feelings and words. He wants us to share them and to pass them on to generations, whether they be happy, painful or just mediocre.
Yes, Lord, yes! That’s what you want me to do with this!
Standing in front of the original entrance to the Anne Frank House
Oh, Susan! This post was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, your heart, and God’s love as you re-lived this wonderful trip of a lifetime!