When The Path Looks Impossible
When troubles seem to be all around you, when the path looks impossible in your marriage … call on Jesus. All things are possible with Him!
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”
Luke 18:27
Nothing is sadder than when a couple decides to throw in the towel. When you have years invested in this marriage, yet the troubles seem to be too much … the “d” word is uttered, and there seems to be no turning back now. But, there can be! Divorce does not solve the problem. Instead, if there are children involved, it further complicates matters. Children are forced to live with continued chaos in their lives by being shuffled around from home to home for visitation. It is especially hard on children and parents that have such a deep bond together to be apart for any length of time, especially if the children are young at the time the parents call it quits.
It is so sad to me to hear of couples that are giving up the good fight. Yes, life is hard. Yes, marriage can be extremely difficult at times because you are two completely different human beings with different personalities, different unique qualities and you’re living under one roof trying to make this thing work. And it can … but it requires work on both parts! One simply cannot carry the weight of the marriage, it takes two people working together to be the best that they can be for each other. Marriage is worth it! Your children are worth it! You CAN live happily ever after!
Divorce does not solve anything. If there are issues that have come up in your marriage, if there are things from the past that are haunting you … divorce will not make all of these things go away. If you give up, nothing will be resolved. If you have pain from things in your past, running from them and divorcing your spouse will not solve it because you will not have dealt with those things that pain you greatly. Instead, you will carry these unresolved issues into your next relationship. It won’t be any better!
I have actually talked couples out of divorcing before. I have had several couples that have come to me with trouble in their marriage looking for someone to give them permission to let go of their spouse. What they get from me, instead, is to cling tighter to your spouse and to your marriage! It is worth saving! If there is any way possible, make it work! If there are children involved, especially … you and your children deserve the “happily ever after.” It doesn’t just have to be for fairy tales that you read or movies that you watch. You can have your very own happily ever after! My husband and I have seen some rough times in our marriage, but we are still holding on tighter than ever. Neither of us wants to lose the other. We do not want to give up on our family, and so we cling to each other and uphold our marriage vows. When things seem impossible for us, we know that all things are possible with God! He is our strength when we are weak. He fights for us.. He shields and protects, and He gives us the will to continue on.
With God ALL things are possible … ALL things … even the chance to live happily ever after with your spouse.
Join us tomorrow for the final day in this series … When The Path Leads You Home.
For all posts in this series thus far, click here.
Buy the book on Amazon: When Couples Walk Together: 31 Days to a Closer Connection
October 30, 2014 @ 10:47 am
Thank you for this reminder that marriages are sacred gifts worth fighting for.
October 30, 2014 @ 12:40 pm
Amen, Liz! I loved the way you worded that. They are, indeed, sacred gifts from God above!
October 30, 2014 @ 10:51 am
Wowee! What a tough subject. Well done for writing it so well ☺
October 30, 2014 @ 12:40 pm
Thank you very much, Charlotte! I appreciate your kind words more than you know. It is a difficult subject to talk about, but it was worth taking the risk to put it out there. I hope it helps someone who is struggling right now with this very topic.
October 30, 2014 @ 1:52 pm
I am sure those couples you talked out of divorce are grateful now. You are absolutely correct when you say Divorce solves nothing. Thank you for this heartfelt post.
November 2, 2014 @ 9:33 pm
Thank you for joining us, Maxine. I know that one of the marriages is still thriving, and the couple is doing well now.
October 30, 2014 @ 2:23 pm
Thank you Shirley for such compelling and meaningfull insight into the truth about Marriage and the Love of GOD. It is hard work at times but with GOD all things are possible! We are not to beleive the lies of the enemy. To Love and be Loved is the greatest Gift of all. From your biggest fan. Love Dusty
Who is this who shines like the down – as beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awe-inspiring as an army with banners? Song of Songs 6:10
November 2, 2014 @ 9:32 pm
Thank you for your kind words, Dusty.
October 30, 2014 @ 6:13 pm
Very interesting thoughts on a topic that is very personal to many people in the world, including me.
November 2, 2014 @ 9:31 pm
Amanda, I am so sorry if you’re struggling or have struggled in your marriage. All things are possible with God, if we just allow Him to take the reins in our lives. Both parties have to be on board and allow God to lead, though.