People of Honor
Erosion control. That is what is needed. Things of the world have come rushing in, eroding our morals and values. Things that were once unacceptable in our world now seem to be welcomed.
When once you could go on a hand shake and someone’s word, people will look you straight in the eyes and lie to you now.
People commit themselves in marriage to the “love of their life” just to turn around and commit adultery. What ever happened to being true, faithful, and people of honor? Why have we lowered our standards to accept things of the world?
Just because someone says it’s now okay to have a free spirit or use freedom of speech or freedom of expression as an excuse does not mean that it’s RIGHT!
We all know right from wrong!
Every single one of us!
We have that still small voice inside of each of us that will alert us when we’re reaching dangerous territory.
“Wait a minute now. Proceed with caution. You really should NOT be doing this.”
But do you heed the warning, or do you charge full speed ahead?
What if God was whispering this warning in your ear? Would you listen? Would you put the brakes on before you slide right on into sin?
“Careful now, My child. You’re in the danger zone. You’re tempted right now, but all you have to do is call on My name, and I will lead you out of this temptation. Tell the devil to flee from you, and he has to tuck his tail and RUN! Do not give in! You are stronger than this. Hold your head up high and be a person of honor! I am with you. And I will deliver you from evil. You are approaching sinful things. Turn from sin and stay on the straight and narrow! Your rewards will be so great in Heaven. Sin NOT, my child!”
Would that keep you from thinking unclean thoughts? Would that keep you from lustful ways? Would it keep you from telling that “little white lie?”
God sees you. He’s right there with every step you take, every single move you make. He sees, hears, and knows ALL. There is not a single thing that you can do and feel as if you’re getting by with it as God is a witness to it all.
You wouldn’t steal that pack of gum from the grocery store with the manager right beside you, just as you wouldn’t openly lust after someone with your spouse standing next to you. Why, then, do you do these things when you have to hide to do them? Don’t you know that God is ever present? HE is right there with you when you’re doing these things hanging His head in disappointment. Why not just do the honorable thing instead? Make God PROUD, and you won’t be walking around with guilt and shame that practically eats you alive!
If you’ve done things in the past that you are not proud of, now is your chance to repent before God and ask for forgiveness. Then, turn from your sin and never ever go back in that direction again.
We can ALL be people of honor before God! He will help us. All we have to do is call on the name of the Lord!