We’ve heard it said before that the greatest friend you can have is a praying friend. Friends are so very important, and they are an extension of our families. Some times, friends are more like family than our very own family members.
Just this morning, I had a friend reach out with a medical concern advising what was happening with them. Immediately, I notified my family members so we could all rally around our friend and pray.
Prayer is powerful! When we gather with fellow believers and pray to God, we know He hears us and is with us at that very moment as we lift our heartfelt prayers to Him. We have reassurance of this in His word!
Be that light in the community, the one people know they can come to for prayer at any time. The greatest compliment has been when others come to me asking me to pray for them. What could be greater than that, knowing you will stop what you’re doing and pray with them. Even if you don’t pray openly out loud, even if the prayers you offer up are silent prayers from your heart to God’s ears … just pray!
In our office, we begin each day with prayer. Our clients know this and have called to request prayer. This happened a few weeks ago, and I sought the assistance of my co-worker who speaks so eloquently and offers up the best prayers to God. I feel at times that my prayers are inadequate because I don’t pray like that. I offer up a humble, simple prayer, but know that God still appreciates my prayer. He doesn’t care how we come to Him, just that we come. Before I started working here, I was never one to pray openly in front of others. It was not something I was comfortable with, and I admit feeling anxious when it was “my turn” to pray in the morning meetings. Now, I still don’t have fancy words I use when I pray, but I still pray. Some times I even have to write notes on what I’d like to pray about before it’s “my turn” so I don’t stumble. But even that is okay, because God knows my heart!
Be a praying friend. Someone out there needs you and your prayers. They need to know that you WILL pray for and with them, that you won’t just “say” you will and then don’t. A lot of times on Facebook I see people saying “prayers” or “sending prayers” or “praying for you.” And you wonder, do they really stop what they are doing and pray for these people, or are these empty words that they write in an attempt to offer comfort?
Just knowing this person specifically chose YOU to pray for them and their situation … that speaks volumes! Don’t let them down.
November 5, 2021 @ 10:22 am
Whether simple or eloquent, God looks at the heart. He hears every prayer, and cry for desperation. He is so Faithful!
November 5, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
Amen, Lisa. Thank you!
November 5, 2021 @ 11:56 am
Shirley, I haven’t seen you “around” in ages. Good to see you here.
November 5, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
Awe, thank you, sweet lady!! I will try to make this a regular thing like before. You made my day!
November 5, 2021 @ 1:51 pm
If you would but pray for me
then I will pray for you,
and if a hurting soul you see,
why, I’ll pray for her too!
I use my prayers like arrows,
and try each day to use them all
to reach God’s human sparrows
when they cry, and when they fall,
for we’re not here to gather wealth,
nor see our tribes increase,
nor cling like grim death to our health;
no, friend, we must release
our hopes for comfort and for gain,
and thus bow to another’s pain.
November 6, 2021 @ 11:08 am
That’s so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it with us!
November 9, 2021 @ 8:32 pm
Amen! This is so good.
Thanks for sharing.
December 6, 2021 @ 4:33 pm
Thank you so much. Blessings to you and your family.