Reflecting on 2019
It’s Christmastime, and what better time for reflecting on 2019 than right this minute before we usher it out the door and welcome in a brand new year!
My mom had back surgery in February, which really upset our entire world. Fear creeps in, even though you try to beat it back with all that is in you. She had a little complication after the surgery, and her hospital stay was extended. My very devoted dad stayed by her side the entire time through it all. Thankfully, my mom was soon on the mend and headed home to recover. It’s been months now, and she’s getting along much better than before. Thank you, Lord!
The year 2019 brought about new beginnings for us. While searching for land to ride our horses on, a realtor showed us one of her friend’s homes “just for kicks.” Wishing to move back to Maryland to be closer to their family, they were days away from putting their house on the market. A new house really was not on our list, as we had a home with six acres that we loved. However, upon seeing this house, we reconsidered. My oldest daughter was beginning to want to leave the nest for her independence, but instead, we switched! She stayed in the home she grew up in, and we moved in March to a two-story house on 32 acres for our new beginning!
The move came just in time for a new addition to our family, too! Our great-nephew was born in May, and we were thrilled when they chose to stay with us for a week and a half after coming home from the hospital. We were allowed a lot of bonding time, which I will always treasure! This dark haired and dark eyed little boy stole my heart!
Things weren’t all smooth sailing this year, though. We’ve had some setbacks and times that caused us great sadness as we’ve learned of health issues with those we hold so dear to our heart. We have faith in God and are hopeful that their health will be renewed, although they will be required to go through a few things before that can happen. We pray and put it in God’s hands.
Lessons are another thing that 2019 offered us as well. We’ve all done the “shoulda, coulda, woulda” over situations in our lives. However, I have learned that no amount of dwelling on it will change what happened. I can want with all of my might for things to have been different, but it won’t change the situation no matter what. Beating myself up over a mistake also does more harm than good. We talk to ourselves more during the course of the day than anyone else, so we need to extend kindness. The saying, “It is what it is” rings true. We can wish things were different and if we had the opportunity to go back and do things over again, I know we would have chosen differently. However, there is NO going back in time. What’s done is done. We just have to live with what IS.
Another lesson learned … let GO of ill feelings. They serve absolutely NO purpose. If you are holding a grudge, who do you really think you are hurting? There might be a misunderstanding that occurred, and maybe you aren’t talking to someone you once were close to. Perhaps it hurts them just as much as it hurts you that there was this division between you two. Or, maybe it’s really eating at you while they’ve gone on about their lives. Who is to know how this is affecting them if you two aren’t on speaking terms. While it is great to set up boundaries, you do have to think about the result you want in the end. Do you want to never speak to these people ever again? Or are you hopeful that at some point fences can be mended and you see each other again? If children are involved, it hurts them, too. They are not allowed to be a part of your life if there is a division some where between the parents. And you lose all that bonding time with them. Is it worth it? To me, no. I’d much rather have time with those I love, especially children. They grow up way too fast, and honestly, they should not be used as a weapon against another. They should be allowed to see all of their family members, no matter what is going on with everyone else in the family. Precious time is lost when you’re not allowed to be a part of their little lives. I, for one, am not willing to allow any more time to be wasted. I have a seven month old great-nephew that lights up my life, and I intend to spend as much time with him as I possibly can!
My daughters are my heart and soul. They have grown into two beautiful young ladies, and my heart is so grateful! I know that in this life, I have done a good job raising these young ladies. They have good morals and values, and they are the kindest souls with big hearts that would do anything in their power to help others. This was proven when my youngest daughter raised money to send to the children’s hospital, and it was further proven when my oldest daughter purchased items for a homeless man just this past week. My heart beams with pride and joy for these two.
My oldest daughter is pursing her dream of special effects makeup and had the opportunity to go to Wisconsin this year to participate in their haunted house. She’s getting ready to explore new things in the hair industry this coming year as well.
My youngest daughter is a Freshman in High School! Y’all, she’s 15 years old with hair just about as long as her legs!!! She is so incredibly tall and extremely smart!
Can you see me beaming all the way over there? I’m probably beaming brighter than your Christmas tree lights right now!
Let’s not forget my son-in-law-to-be. I prayed for a Christian young man to come into my oldest daughter’s life to show her what it is to be treasured and cherished. God brought him to us three years ago, and they are talking of a future together. It makes my heart dance to see them together and then to hear of their plans! My heart is so full.
This past weekend, we hosted a Christmas party. We love to have the walls of our new home filled with love and laughter, and this party did not disappoint. My dear friend, Greg, drove all the way from Illinois to be with us JUST for that evening. Never in all of my life have I had anyone drive 11 hours to be present for a Christmas party we were having, and yet, he did. That is a true friend … a friend of a lifetime!
Ah, 2019, you have been a good one … all things considered. We are truly blessed, and we thank God for it all.
Year 2020, please be kind to us!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours …
December 29, 2019 @ 12:08 pm
I enjoyed reading your reflections. It’s always interesting to look back over a year to remember and to see what lessons we’ve learned. Happy New Year when it comes!
January 13, 2020 @ 2:33 pm
Thank you very much. Happy New Year!