Self-discovery: I am a prude
Yes. I admit it. According to Miriam Webster’s Dictionary a prude is “a person who is easily shocked or offended by things that do not shock or offend other people.” Thus, I am a prude.
How did I come to this conclusion? I was working an event this weekend. I am a volunteer for a music organization called the RAMIs or Rockford Area Music Industry. Our mission is to give out scholarships to graduating seniors that intend upon pursuing the study of music in college so we have several fund raising events throughout the year. Today’s event was our Rock’n Roll Garage Sale. It was here at this humble event that I finally admitted I am a prude because the following question kept coming to mind all day:
How can people walk out in public with no thought or consideration of their appearance?
Maybe I should try to add the words “no shame” in there somewhere.
Upon arrival to the event I had to wait for a young gentleman bending over to pick up a pile of guitar cords that had fallen off his stack of items he was carrying. As I was behind him, I was greeted to a sight that I truly did not need to see; a full moon at 10am in the morning. I held my tongue and quietly waited as he and his friend gathered up the cords. Later in the day, another incident of the same vein occurred. A woman walked into the hall with a top on that barely covered her essentials.
I am always conscious of my appearance in public and I dress appropriately. Yet I see more and more people that just don’t seem to care how they look. Have we as a society just come to a point where we don’t care about ourselves anymore?
~The Quiet Computer Guy
June 24, 2014 @ 5:26 pm
You and me both!
June 24, 2014 @ 6:15 pm
I have been thinking of getting a “Proud to be a Prude” t-shirt. 🙂