Stop Looking In The Rear View Mirror!
We are our own worst critic. I’m sure there are times you’ve beat yourself up over things in the past; things that we do not possess the power to change! The past is done and over with. There’s no sense in looking in the rear view mirror of your life. Sure, everyone makes mistakes. It’s important to learn the lessons in life from those mistakes so that we improve upon the person that we are and improve our lives so we don’t go down that path again. If you feel something you’ve done is a mistake that you wish you could un-do, the reality is that you can’t. However, you can learn from those mistakes. Take the positives from that situation, even if the only positive is that you are sure you never want to do THAT again so you don’t!
It’s okay to look in the rear view mirror at the memories that bless our hearts, but if you’re looking back wishing you could change the past or wishing you didn’t do this or that … stop! This is fruitless. It will not accomplish anything but making you feel worse about the situation. Stop re-living those events of the past that torment your soul. Instead, look ahead at the bright future before you.
YOU have choices today … YOU do not have to live like you did in the past. If you struggle with skeletons in your closet, let them out now so they no longer haunt you in the future. Make peace with your past so it does not poison the present or affect your future in a negative way. Release yourself from the bondage found by living in the past with regrets. Take back your power – the power to change things in the present moment!
Love yourself – despite your many flaws because no one is perfect! Accept your life as it is today, even with mistakes of the past as they have helped form and mold you into the person you are today!
Stop looking in the rear view mirror at the mistakes of the past! Stop beating yourself up about things of the past that you cannot change. Forgive yourself for all the things that have filled you with regret. Release them into the universe. Feel yourself being freed from those things so you can move on to brighter days.
You cannot change the past, but you can forge ahead determined not to make the same mistakes again. You can live a better, more positive life full of love and happiness.
Begin today by no longer looking back in the rear view mirror of your life. You’re not going in that direction – look ahead to brighter days. Appreciate today and where you are in this moment. Be determined to be the absolute best that you can be. Strive for greatness. You DO have it in you! You CAN accomplish great things.
Put your game face on, and let’s do this! Begin today! Right this very moment. You have a bright future ahead of you, and you CAN live happily ever after!
July 15, 2014 @ 11:47 am
So true. We can not change the past or go back. Live for today and plan the future.
July 15, 2014 @ 1:27 pm
Wise words, Tara. The words “If only …” need to be banished for they do not serve a purpose when looking back with regrets. Yesterday is history. Look ahead to the future and make the present day one filled with love and happiness.
July 17, 2014 @ 8:09 am
Thankyou for linking this encouraging post to Wake Me Up Wednesday!
It is so true, and something I think everyone experiences.
July 17, 2014 @ 9:30 pm
Thank you so much, Jenna. I enjoyed being a part of it!