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Light, Love, Hope

Light in the Darkness Surrounded by Love with Hope for those in need.


Shirley is the proud mother of two beautiful young ladies. She enjoys spending time with them on their ranch in the deep South with their three paint horses. Always looking for an adventure, she looks forward to hikes in the mountains chasing waterfalls, or scouring the coast for beautiful lighthouses! Shirley writes to encourage others and often times shares things that motivate and inspire her. She believes in living life to the fullest because no one is promised the gift of another day. Join her as we honor our bodies, minds, hearts, souls, and our Almighty Creator, God above!

1 Comment

  1. Janel
    May 2, 2018 @ 7:43 pm

    “its when we change our outlook that things begin to improve” isn’t that the truth. its far to easy to get stuck in a certain way of thinking or seeing…it was good to read your reflection on the storm to come. Facebook memories have an interesting way of reminding of the happy and sad times don’t they. I find it interesting to see what I was thinking or feeling at the time.
    Glad to gather with you to write on Stuck from FMF


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