Take Action Tuesday
Today I’d like to call each of our readers to action in what I’m calling Take Action Tuesdays. What I’m asking is in line with the Random Act of Kindness (RAK) that Gregory, aka The Quiet Computer Guy, mentions on Wednesdays. Now instead of merely suggesting that you do a RAK, I’m insisting that you take action in some way today to show love and kindness to others. As Greg has mentioned in previous posts he has shared on Wednesdays, it doesn’t have to be anything big – simply opening the door for someone or holding it open for the next person to go through is a small gesture that could brighten someone’s day. Or, what about smiling intently at someone that looks as if they’re having a really bad day. Just smile and let that smile linger to pierce their heart and leave a lasting impression on them the rest of the day. Saying something nice to someone can go a long way, too. If you see someone that looks as if they are struggling, give them a genuine compliment from your heart to theirs.
The point today is just to take action on this Tuesday. Do something for someone without any thought of being repaid in any way, shape, or form. Do it just because it’s in your heart to do for others. Do it with the intention of brightening up someone else’s day.
If you have someone that you have been thinking of that you haven’t reached out to in a while, do it today. Let them know you’re thinking of them. You don’t have to have a lengthy conversation with them, just a simple “Thinking of you” will do. If you’d like to go into more detail, then by all means, do!
As I think about the “good ole days,” I recall the times when I’d take a letter out of the mailbox and allow my fingers to feel the different textures of the paper while visualizing the person sitting at their desk writing as carefully as they could to leave a lasting impression with their penmanship. It felt good to receive a hand written letter back then. Now with texts and emails, it’s rare to get a hand written letter. How about taking the time to write to someone today? Go ahead, you know you can find some paper and a pen … now use it! Pour yourself into what you’re writing, and imagine how your words will leap off of the page and touch the heart of the recipient!
If there is someone that you may have wronged in the past that you need to ask forgiveness of, why not take action now toward a possible reconciliation? You may not have control of how the other person will perceive your apology or the intentions behind such, but what you do have control of is yourself and how you can reach out to them at this time. All you can do is apologize and ask for forgiveness, and it will be up to the other person if they will grant this forgiveness. If you sincerely apologize and mean it with your whole heart, hopefully the other person will feel it and will give your apology serious thought. It is our hope that they will accept your apology and the relationship can be mended. It may not be exactly like it was before whatever took place to cause the falling out between you, but it simply won’t get any better if you refuse to address it. Take action and reach out to ask for forgiveness.
We want to encourage you to take some form of action today toward a better life, a better you, a better bond in your relationships. If your prayer life hasn’t been what it should have been all of this time, take action by being intentional with your prayers and reaching out to God. Don’t just go to Him when you’re in trouble. He’s there and wants you to seek Him even when the sun is shining brightly in your life.
Take Action Tuesday is brought to you by the Encouragement Team at Light Love Hope.
July 8, 2014 @ 9:42 am
Hi Shirley! What a great idea. I always read about people who pay for the car behind them at McDonalds, and I think “Why don’t I do stuff like that?” Probably because I am not reminded enough, so you have done that for me today. Thank you!
Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we all practiced smiling? or did a good deed not wanting to be repaid in some way? I want to be a part of that.
Hoping to bless someone today,
July 9, 2014 @ 1:28 pm
Ceil, you already did … you blessed me with what you wrote. Thank you for that. I appreciate you taking the time to comment as it just thrills my heart reading them! I would love to see a sort of “movement” in this regard to where people all over the world engage in some Random Act of Kindness throughout their day – imagine the impact this would have every where! I want to be a part of that, too. We’re just two people, but we can make a difference. I know there are others who are already doing this and more that are thinking of doing the same now. Together we can make a difference, one person and life at a time!
July 8, 2014 @ 3:01 pm
This is a great reminder! I keep meaning to write a few cards and get them in the mail, but always seem to forget or think of something else to do. I’ll be doing this when I get home tonight so they can go out in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for posting this!
July 9, 2014 @ 1:24 pm
This made me smile, Lisa. I know the recipients will be so happy to receive your cards and for you taking the time to do this. You will bless their hearts and souls with your words, I just know it.
July 9, 2014 @ 11:15 am
What a great idea! When I’m in the check out lane at the grocery store or department store and I notice that the clerk is in a bad mood, tired, etc. I go out of my way to smile and talk to them. Most times, by the end of my transaction, the clerk will be smiling and laughing.
July 9, 2014 @ 1:23 pm
I love doing this, too, Alli. If I encounter one that is a wee bit stubborn and determined to stay stuck in their bad mood, I do try harder with them. I would like them smiling before our transaction is finished. Even if it takes a little more, normally people will come around and appreciate your extra efforts to brighten their day. It’s worth it!
July 9, 2014 @ 11:30 am
True and true… handwritten letters are few and far between. There is one person out there that I would love to get a ‘i’m sorry’ letter from …. but that will never happen.
July 9, 2014 @ 1:21 pm
Maybe one day, Aimee. Just pray for them in the meantime. Something magical happens when we pray for others that have offended or hurt us. It does not change their offense or their ways, but it changes our hearts. Forgiveness allows us to be released from resentment, hurt, and anger.
July 9, 2014 @ 11:57 am
What a timely post! I just mailed a card to an old friend with some encouraging words. We should all seek out opportunities to do RAC anytime we are out and about.
My husband and I like to give our shopping cart away at Aldi rather than replace it for our quarter back. It is a simple thing but still nice.
July 9, 2014 @ 1:19 pm
Hi Shirley (Love the name, by the way … lol We are good people!) I love what you and your husband do for others! No act of kindness goes unnoticed. Keep up the good work and continue loving on those around you.
July 9, 2014 @ 2:22 pm
This is awesome! I try to do random acts of kindness regularly but I definitely want to do more. Thank you for the reminder!
July 10, 2014 @ 3:29 pm
Thank you! I know you bless people’s hearts and lives with each Random Act of Kindness that you do. Keep up the good work!