The End of Summer
As we approach the end of Summer, allow me to reminisce just a little …
My husband, Dusty, and I enjoyed our time at Cedar Creek Horse Camp at the beginning of August. While it was nearing 100 degrees when we left home, it was very refreshing to find 70 degree weather welcoming us as we reached the camp.
We stayed in Camper 10 and highly recommend it as it was furnished with everything we needed (bathroom included – ha! Laugh if you will, but not ALL camp sites had these facilities. There was a big “bath house” for use, but we wanted our very own!).
Our horses enjoyed lush green pastures and taking breaks under the wooden shelter. One of our horses, Sugar, is an escape artist, and she made her way through the three strands of wire into the larger, greener pasture just outside of where she was residing that weekend! Yes, this was a “freak out moment” when we discovered she had gotten out, but thankfully it was just inside to another pasture and not like she was out running loose visiting the neighbors. Thankfully, the outside fencing had three wooden boards, so she didn’t try anything in that direction.
Shortly after checking things out at camp Friday, we tacked up our horses and headed out to find a trail with waterfalls nearby! With hoof boots on the horses, we were well prepared for what we would encounter on certain parts of the trails. We started off at Lake Imaging and made our way around the mountain, through the covered bridge, and on to High Point Falls. Two hikers were walking by about the same time we were admiring the falls, and they were gracious enough to take a few pictures of us on horseback with the beautiful flowing waterfall behind us. I — the Picture Queen — was not about to let this moment in time pass me by without a picture of us living our dream!
Saturday we were up early and on Gunion trail. We encountered a creek where one of our horses, Arizona, went through just fine. Sugar, on the other hand, thought she had to jump off of the rock and over the creek to get to the other side with me on her back! Seeing as how I have not had ANY prior jumping experience, it was exhilarating yet scary all at the same time. Hey, I managed to stay on, so that has to account for something! Thankfully I pay attention when I watch others jump! What’s funny to me is that she’s been through water before, but for some reason, she had it in her mind that she needed to jump this time. This silly horse makes me laugh but also provides lots of love and is good therapy back home!
We took a midday break but were back on the trails going to Hooker Falls Saturday afternoon. The horses were a big hit on this trail with all of the people around. It was as if they were celebrities as people gathered to pet and take pictures of our horses.

Sunday we decided to hit the trails one last time before heading home. This time, we went to a trail off of Reasonover Road. We went up, up, and away … around the mountainside near steep slopes and encountered bare rock on this ride. Thankfully, once we reached Bridal Veil Falls, we were able to circle around a different direction and ride where it wasn’t quite so challenging. We enjoyed seeing the old barn and then on to the airstrip on the mountain before making our way around the lake and back to the parking lot to head out.
We thank God for His hand of protection over us and for allowing us to have bonding time with our horses that weekend.
And thank you, Dear Readers, for traveling along with us as we reminisced about the fun we had this summer!