The Last Family Christmas
We had our last family Christmas today. It was a nice gathering; good food, good fellowship. It is hard to accept that there won’t be a Christmas like this again. You see, my aunt, who has always brought us together each year won’t be here next year. She was diagnosed with cancer in multiple areas last Thursday.
We didn’t dwell on that today. We just enjoyed having everyone around the dinner table chatting about this and that. Then we played games as we always do every holiday; laughing and carrying on as if what we know is inevitable wasn’t going to happen. But deep inside we know it is. We just enjoyed the moment and made more memories for us to have in our hearts for the years to come.
As you celebrate with your families the birth of Jesus, I hope that you had a joyous and wonderful day filled with love and memories for you to treasure in the years to come as we did today. Those that have passed on are never gone; they are always in our hearts each and every day whether we realize it or not.
Merry Christmas.