There Is Power In The Written Word
Just recently, my friend, Susan, told us all about her beautiful trip to Europe. She shared pictures, quotes, and how God was speaking to her throughout her entire time there and even when she returned home. (If you missed it, please see Susan’s post here on The Trip That Was Never Supposed To Happen.)
I hope Susan won’t mind, but there is a part in her post that truly reached out and touched my heart. I’ve thought of this quote since she shared it. She probably never even realized that we had something else in common: the interest and love of Anne Frank’s writings.
Susan shared:
I have to agree with Anne as she writes on March 15, 1944: “Yet, what’s nicest of all is that at least I can still write down my thoughts and feelings, otherwise I’d just totally suffocate.”
That’s what this website is all about. I have encouraged several to write … to share their beautiful words with the world. While our situations pale in comparison with what Anne went through, there is still such power in the written word.
Think of how you feel when you’re listening to a song, and that song moves something inside of you. Then, you search for the lyrics to make sure you had them all just right and to see the ones you may have missed as you were captured completely, entranced with the song. How powerful were those words when you heard them and then when you saw them in print?
Now, think of the actual written words whether it’s in the form of a poem, a letter, or a card you receive in the mail. Someone took the time to actually write their thoughts down, pouring them out on paper, to give to you.
That is powerful!
In the day we’re living in today with all of the technology that surrounds us, the written word has just about gotten lost. Everyone emails, sends text messages, or they bypass that completely and go to video chats like Skype, Facetime, and Google “meet ups”. Yes, it is wonderful to see someone, to look into their eyes, even if only with the aid of technology.
After that moment is lost, there’s nothing to hold on to.
With the written word, you can hold it in your hands. You can feel the wrinkle of the paper, the very paper that they held in their hand. The paper that they placed delicately on the desk as they reached for their pen to share their heart with you.
I can imagine them sitting there in deep thought with this ever so serious look on their face. Gripping the pen tightly, they begin to pour out the contents of their heart onto that paper.
For some, it flows beautifully like a river.
For others, it is a painful task to put their thoughts into words as there just aren’t enough words in the human language to describe how they’re feeling. They labor over their hand written letter to you or their poetry that is offered to your heart straight from the very soul of their being.
The written word IS powerful.
Recently I was given a piece of paper with words reflecting the very heart of the giver. Those words spoke life over me and love into me.
Oh the power of the written word and a few strokes of the pen.
Keep writing, dear one. Keep writing and sharing yourself with the world.
May 5, 2014 @ 6:09 pm
~Good thing it’s simple math!! heehee 🙂 ~
Did you know I have many, many of our email exchanges saved just so I can reread them at a later time and remember all that we’ve shared over the years?!! I totally agree that there is nothing quite like the written word on a piece of tangible paper that you can feel and smell and SAVE! While technology has made many aspects of staying connected much easier, the beauty of a simple letter in your hand seems to be lost – as we are losing the simple joy of holding a book in lieu of a computer tablet or smartphone.
I treasure too greatly our friendship to ever not want to save our correspondence in whatever form it comes. Looking back shows our history and the growth of our friendship like nothing else could capture. I so look forward to the day when we can meet face-to-face again. Until then, know that you are not only in my heart, I have your words to cherish forever!
May 6, 2014 @ 11:53 am
Tamela, you have always been very near and dear to my heart. I love you and consider you as part of my family. Thank you for the gift of your friendship through all of these years. We’ve been through a lot together, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly. But, through it all, we’ve conquered it all together! I treasure our talks on the phone and emails we’ve exchanged. One day soon I hope to read a book that you’ve written based on those emails as you once talked about doing. I am so incredibly pleased that you’re now writing for Light Love Hope, too!