The Twists And Turns In This Thing Called Life
We never truly know what we will face in this thing called life. The path won’t always be straight leading us to our destiny. Actually, there will be a lot of twists and turns in this thing called life. Some times you’ll have to endure some lonesome times walking deep in the valley. Other times you will have to hike with all your might to reach the very top of that mountain. There will be days that you will sing as you soak up the sun on a beautiful summer day, while on others, you will have to smile through the tears and rain. When the storm clouds roll in, remember the rainbow that will follow.
Oh, it’s easy to praise God and thank Him when times are good. It is when things come crashing in around us that we find it hard to lift up our hands in praise and worship. You know what? THAT is the very time we need to be praising Him the most! Who says we can only praise God when we’re happy and things are going our away? It takes all that you have within you to praise Him through the storms of life. I think it means the most when we do.
God wants to hear from us ALL the time. He wants to take your hand and dance with you, twirling you around in meadows of wildflowers on your most happiest of days. He is also there wiping every single tear from your eyes on days that are filled with sorrow and grief. He wants you to come to Him. Bring all of your broken and shattered pieces to Him. Gather them up in your hands and offer them to Him. Say, “Here I am, God. Here are all of the shattered pieces of my life … I give them to YOU, God … Help me. Hear me … Be near me.” And, He is! God IS close to the brokenhearted. In those moments when it is so easy to give up and give in to what has been tearing at you all day, instead, lift up your hands and praise God. Allow Him to wrap His strong and loving arms around you as He carries you every step of the way. Feel His love. Let Him embrace you with His awesome power.
There have been situations in my life where it would have been easy to grow cold and bitter. We all have faced times like this. We’re hurt. We’ve been beaten and battered. We wonder where God is and why He would allow such things. I believe He is as heartbroken as we are when we go through situations that hurt us and shake us to the very core of our being. In difficult situations people will either cling TO God or run away from God. They blame Him and are angry with Him, while some still choose to trust in Him.
We don’t know what His plans are. We are reminded that His ways are not our ways. As hard as it may seem at times, trust that Our Heavenly Father truly does know best, even though we may not understand certain situations in our lives. He knows.
Cast all of your cares on Him. Don’t give them to him for a little while and then take them back to worry over them some more. No, cast ALL of your cares on Him. God will be taking care of your problems today, and He does NOT need your help. As much as you want to “fix” things … it is all in God’s timing. Why worry and fret? Why tie yourself up in a big knot of anxiety? FEAR NOT! How many times does the bible tell us not to be fearful? Cast your cares on Him!
How awesome is it knowing that we can take all things to Christ. ALL things. He knows every thing there is to know about us and our lives. Yet, He wants us to take them to Him in prayer. Talk to Him. Tell Him all about it. He craves that relationship with us. Welcome Him in to your quiet time. Reserve time just for you and God. And watch what will happen. Can I challenge you today to walk more closely with God? Can I challenge you today to devote more time in prayer? Who says it has to be a long drawn out prayer that takes an hour? Little prayers all throughout the day, that is all it takes. Whisper to Him. He hears you. When your heart is broken and you can’t find the words, God knows. He understands.
You don’t have to get down on your knees or lay on your face in prayer. You can invite Him into your car on the drive in to work or on your way to the grocery store. You can talk to God while making dinner. You can talk to God any time and any place. Open yourself to allowing God to be your ever present companion and guide. Just as you would call up a trusted friend, God is anxiously awaiting your “call.”
“Hello, God. It’s me again … I just want to thank you for all of the blessings you have given to me … thank you for the sun that shines, and thank you for the rain that makes the crops grow. Thank you for the warm days that I may frolic and play. Thank you for the coolness of the morning air on my face and the snow in which to make snow angels. Thank you for the beautiful creatures to feast my eyes upon. Oh thank you, Lord, for your goodness and your mercy. Thank you for loving someone like me.”
No matter how you talk to God, just make sure you ARE talking with him on every twist and turn in this thing called life.
Blessings to you and yours,
Light, Love, Hope
May 28, 2024 @ 4:53 pm
well i love this soooooooooo MUCH
July 25, 2024 @ 9:41 pm
Thank you so much, Magnolia!