As We Wait In Silence
Yesterday was Friday, but not just any ole Friday. Every year we remember the greatest sacrifice of all time made on the Good Friday before Easter. It is the day that Jesus was beaten and humiliated, completely disgraced and broken for all of our sins. It is the day that He carried His cross, the one that He would be nailed to where His suffering would continue until He died.
For us.
For you.
For me.
Jesus did this ALL for us!
We sat through The Passion of The Christ a few years ago. With tears streaming down our faces, we watched all of it unfold before our eyes on the screen. How we felt could never, ever come close to the way that Mary must have felt seeing her Son treated in this way and ultimately hanging on the cross in agony.
It’s hard, in a way, to understand the greatest sacrifice of all time. It’s hard to grasp how God could allow His son to be beaten and die a horrible death. I know it was to forgive us all from the sins we have committed and to provide a way for us to have eternal life. It is through Jesus that we all can have eternal life if we only believe in Him and ask Him into our hearts. We can be assured of eternal life in Heaven with Jesus, if we only believe!
I do believe. I hope you do, too.
On Friday he suffered and bled. He hung on the cross, crying out in pain. He later died and was placed in a tomb. The stone was placed over the entrance of where His body was placed in the tomb. Everything was silent. I imagine that tears continued to fall as His mother mourned the loss of her precious Son, Jesus.
There was such violence, such humiliation, such distress, and such pain and suffering on Friday.
Then, there was silence on Saturday.
Ah, but Sunday’s coming …
Praise God, Almighty. Sunday’s coming!