We Are What We Believe We Are
We are what we believe we are.
C.S. Lewis
It really is true what C.S. Lewis says in the quote above. We truly are what we believe we are. That is why you must speak life into yourself. If you wait on others to do this, you may be waiting a very long time in complete unhappiness. While there are some that will validate, compliment and even praise you, the vast majority will snub their noses at you and pick you apart. I’m not sure if this is due to jealousy or bitterness deep within their hearts. What I do know is that it is up to YOU to be your biggest fan. Yes, it is nice when you receive recognition, but don’t get down in the dumps or sink low in depression just because someone hasn’t lavished you with words of affirmation. Know your own worth. Don’t wait on others to tell you how valuable you are.
Words have power – those both spoken and unspoken. Your thoughts swirling around in your head have the potential to make you or break you. If you look at the reflection in the mirror and don’t like what you see, then maybe it is time to change a thing or two. I’m not talking about physical looks, though. I’m more referring to you looking yourself in the eye each and every day and not liking who you have become on the inside. Constantly bashing yourself will only bring you further down. Take action, instead. Do something about what you don’t like. That is the only way it will change. Work at it!
Retraining your thoughts to be more positive instead of focusing on the negative is hard work. It takes very little effort to find something to complain about, but sometimes we feel like we’ll work up a sweat trying to find a positive in the situation or even in us.
Think about the words that you speak to yourself. Now ask yourself if you would say those same words, with the same tone and all, to someone else? Would you say it to your spouses? Your children? Your parents? How about your best friend? If not, then why are you saying those hateful things to yourself? Ease up a little, because chances are that you aren’t as bad as you make yourself out to be, but if you are … work on yourself so that you can face that person in the mirror and be a little bit better tomorrow morning. Show signs of improvement until you can smile back at your reflection and know that you’re trying hard and it is paying off. That is something to take pride in, working on yourself from the inside out. Believe me, others will notice. If you don’t like yourself, how is anyone else supposed to? Embrace who you are, change what you can, and learn to LOVE yourself!
God created you, and Jesus died on the cross for you. You are a child of the King. Keep that in mind.
January 17, 2019 @ 9:40 am
Thanks allot, it compliantly explaining exactly what I was wishing to say to all people I know in my life .
May 13, 2020 @ 11:42 pm
Truly Amazing! I am Glad that this website has helped me understand more about myself. I hope others could access this website and shine in future. Hats off to the website. I am sure that there are many rooms for an individual to success inn life and you will be one of the reasons for their success. Good Luck to you guys and establish others lives!
June 11, 2020 @ 10:07 am
Thank you very much for this kind comment. I appreciate all you said and hope you continue to sprinkle positivity in the world, especially with all we’re facing at this time with Covid-19, etc.