Who Do You Think You Are?
As we begin today with this bible verse, read it slowly and allow it to soak in completely:
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he …
Proverbs 23:7 NKJV
Just who do you think you are? Honestly, what type of opinion do you have of yourself? If you have low self esteem and low self confidence, you will most certainly be down on yourself a great deal. If you are a perfectionist, you will feel as if you cannot do anything right because of the pressure you are putting on yourself. Maybe you have had a long, hard road in life that has left you a little bitter. The thing is not to stay there! Bad things happen to good people. We have already established that. Just because you’re going through trials does not mean that you have to remain in a negative mindset.
Change your thoughts, and you can change your life.
If you are constantly in a negative frame of mind, you will be down and no one will want to hang around someone that is always down in the dumps. If you flip that switch in your brain and try to look at the positives in the situation, it will literally change your outlook and your life! People will be drawn to you because of the change that you’ve made and how upbeat you now are.
God does not want you to live a life of negativity. You are to guard your heart and your mind. Realize that if your thoughts are full of negative things or if you’re full of greed, jealousy, or lustful thoughts, you’re not following the path that God would have you on. You have taken a detour some where along the way if your thoughts go to things of that nature. Repent, turn from your ways, and get yourself back on track. Then you can focus on God’s plan for your life.
So just who do you think you are? I know that you’re one of God’s chosen ones. God loves you completely and unconditionally no matter what you’ve done or how low you have gone in your life. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know there is hope for you to make a lasting change. I believe in YOU. Now it’s time for you to believe in yourself. You are a child of God!
Vow today that you are going to change your thought process. No matter what happens, try to find some small positive in the situation. It’s hard when we’ve been blindsided by things in this life, but pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and turn to God knowing that He works everything for the good of those that love the Lord and believe in Him.