Are You Willing? (Five Minute Friday – Prompt Word: Willing)
Today is Friday, and you know what that means, right?! It’s time for Five Minute Fridays where Lisa Jo Baker gives us a prompt word. The idea is to write your little hearts out for five whole minutes without worrying about anything other than getting those words out! Honestly, set a timer and just enjoy the beauty and the art of writing without editing! The prompt word today is WILLING.
By now you have probably heard the famous saying that indicates that we need to be the change that we wish to see in the world. Have you given that much thought? Consider what it is saying and ask yourself one question. Are you willing?
If you want to see more love, are you willing to embrace others completely showing them all of the love that you have in your heart?
If you want to see more compassion, are you willing to sit with someone who is hurting and hold their hand? Some times it helps to just let someone know that you’re there, you can relate to what they are feeling and are going through. Although their walk and situation might not be identical to that of your own, just knowing that some one cares enough to take the time to show compassion means a lot in this cruel world we are living in where others just simply do not want to take the time now for their fellow man.
If you want to see more positives, are you willing to put forth the effort daily, hourly, even going minute by minute at times if you have to in order to make this change? It will change your life. Honestly! Here’s my confession: I used to be a negative person! I am not ashamed of this, although it would be easy to let shame rule me, but I had things in my life that were pulling me down. I was under a great deal of stress and the result was negativity spewing out of me on to those around me. At first I did not realize it was happening. I justified it by saying I was expressing myself and had to get those thoughts and feelings out. While this is true that it helps to get it out so you don’t keep things bottled up inside, you do have to be careful with the words that you speak and how you are coming across to others. When I started to see it, really see it, I knew it was time for a change! And so, I made a conscious effort every day to turn negatives I faced into positives. I was ready, willing, and able to make that change … and so I did.
You CAN be the change you wish to see in the world. This is only the beginning. Are you willing?

March 7, 2014 @ 11:35 am
in from FMF! what a great challenge you write about. it must start with me, no excuses. i enjoyed this a lot. thanks!
March 7, 2014 @ 11:58 pm
Hi Leanna! Thank you so much for stopping by! Oh, I do so love Five Minute Fridays. These prompt words just get the brain going!
March 7, 2014 @ 4:09 pm
Nice blog. One has to be willing, open and receptive to change. Love it. Growing and learning is so much fun.
March 7, 2014 @ 11:56 pm
Hi Tami! Thank you so much. I enjoy your comments and am so glad you’re here!