I know it has been asked before, but if you had just one wish … what would you wish for in life?
That is a tough one. Just ONE wish?
Would you wish for riches in the form of money or material possessions? I would hope not. Instead, I would hope that you’d dig deeper into your soul for something that truly matters more.
What about the people that are suffering in this life? The ones that hide their true feelings behind their plastered on or fake smile. The ones that laugh the loudest although their hearts are broken completely. Wouldn’t that one wish be better suited going for something like this to heal their hurting hearts? I’m sure they struggle on a day to day basis. They distance themselves, isolate themselves even, in an attempt to hide from this cruel world. So much pain has been inflicted upon them, and they hurt deep to their very core. The things that have happened to them make them question why they had to endure such abuse, heartache, and pain … why does bad things seem to always happen to good people and the bad ones get off free as they appear to skip merrily along in life? It doesn’t make sense at all. Yet, there are so many good people suffering in the world today at the hands of dark, evil people that have used and abused them. Some have had the unspeakable done to them, and yet they force a smile and try to figure out how to heal and move forward. Wouldn’t your wish be better spent on protection over the helpless, innocent little children that are mistreated, bullied, and abused that turn into shattered adults attempting to pick up the broken pieces of their hearts from their childhood days?
Would you wish for world peace so that there would never be any more wars taking place? World peace. That would certainly be refreshing. No need for guns, weapons of mass destruction, or the military to leave their families behind to go fight for our freedom any longer because the world would be living in peace and harmony.
While we cannot change this dark world all by ourselves, we can make a difference in the lives of the ones that we share our world with. We can be the change that we want to see in the world. It can start with us. It has to! We can take our wishes and apply them to our family and friends. We can extend this grace to our coworkers and any one else that we encounter during the day. We can lend a helping hand or give a pat on the back so that the person that might think inside that they are worthless and that no one cares will truly know that this negative self talk just is not true. If someone is questioning their worth and value, one act of kindness can begin to turn things around for them. You could be the person that makes this very real difference in their lives.
Let’s all re-evaluate our lives and actions to see what areas we can improve upon so that we can extend more grace, love, and compassion. We can work together right where we live to make a difference. What a wonderful world it would be if we all came together in one accord to share love – our love and God’s love!
Karen’s prompt word of “Wish” got me to thinking and resulted in the above post.
Join us for Tuesday At Ten!
April 22, 2015 @ 1:32 pm
What a beautiful post on WISH! I’m not sure what I’d say if I did have that one wish…but your post certainly has be pondering what I could – should – wish for! Thanks for sharing!
April 22, 2015 @ 2:25 pm
Thank you so much, Barbara!