We should all take pride in our work. Yet, there is a slacker in every office. It’s quite irritating when you’re working and doing all that is required of you – and more – and there they sit doing everything else BUT working. They clearly have work that is begging to be done, but they are not interested in earning an honest day’s pay. Instead, they slack off and brag about slacking off.
There is a sense of entitlement. I’ve heard that word mentioned with the up and coming generation; that they have a sense of entitlement. It’s not just that generation, though. I’ve seen it in people my age, too. I used to work with a girl who refused to do her work, and yet some how she managed to keep her job. Her work then became MY work as it was passed on to me! They knew I would take charge whereas she would not. She and I were friends at one point, but her constant laziness and laughing about how I got to do her work changed all of that.
When did people stop taking pride in their work?
For me, I am anything but a slacker. I take my work very seriously, and I jump right on anything that needs to be done. You don’t ever have to ask if I’ve done so and so. It’s done. I have been picked at about notes on the outside of file folders on cases I’m working on. But, I make notations every step of the way so people don’t have to question what happened. It’s right there on the front of the folder in detail!
If you’re reading this and you’re a bit of a slacker, be honest with yourself and realize that laziness will not ever pay off. In the long run, it won’t! Have a little pride, get yourself together, and work HARD! People are watching how you carry yourself, they are paying attention to your work ethic, and they are realizing the type of person you truly are!
You will not be able to skate through life forever a slacker.
Consider yourself warned!